@fusaroli @mvugt and me are organizing a Lorentz Centre "Cognitive Modeling of Complex behaviour" hands-on workshop in January 2024. Check the call and join us (early career especially welcome): https://www.lorentzcenter.nl/cognitive-modeling-of-complex-behavior.html
@cognition @psycholinguistics @linguistics
#ComputationalModeling #cogsci #cognition
Running tutorials for undergrads on jsPsych this semester. Just made a course blog with screencasts that will be updated weekly this semester. Sharing in case it's useful for others.
#cogsci #cognition #jsPsych #QuartoPub
The "One, but not the same" results that we detected in English speakers (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11098-021-01739-5) replicated 6 times in Lithuanian speakers (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2023.105545).
When people read about morally altered people being "different, they [thought] the person [wa]s qualitatively transformed, but numerically intact."
#ExperimentalPhilosophy #xPhi #Philosophy #PhilMind #PersonalIdentity #QuantPsych #DecisionScience #CogSci #psychometrics #Linguistics #CrossCulturalResearch
#experimentalphilosophy #xPhi #philosophy #philmind #personalidentity #quantpsych #decisionscience #cogsci #psychometrics #linguistics #crossculturalresearch
I'm looking for review papers on the general topic of memory for pictures. I've found some pre 1990s, but haven't found review papers after that...(except Madigan, 2014). Any picture #cognition folks know of some? #cogsci #psychsci #psych #cogpsy
#cognition #cogsci #psychsci #psych #cogpsy
#Civicbase brings upvoting and downvoting to preference measurement—but with a budget.
Participants can select or agree or disagree buttons (up to 7 times) to allocate a limited voting credits (that carry over to future studies?).
May reveal priorities that Likert scales and ranked-choices cannot.
Presumably, this could be used for all sorts of preferences (beyond civics/politics).
#measurement #PsychMethods #openSource #decisionScience #poliSci #cogSci #gamification
#civicbase #measurement #psychmethods #opensource #decisionscience #polisci #cogsci #gamification
I don't think I shared this: I wrote a short paper for the last ICCM/Mathpsych (https://mathpsych.org/presentation/998#/document).
It's a computational model of self-paced reading (written in @mcmc_stan) in a framework of continuous flow of information.
@cognition @linguistics @psycholinguistics @cogsci #psycholinguistics #bayesian #stan #rstats #cogsci #psycholinguistics #ComputationalModeling
#ComputationalModeling #cogsci #rstats #Stan #bayesian #psycholinguistics
Jozsef Arato has translated Chapters 1- 5 of (my + @ShravanVasishth + Daniel Schad) Intro to Bayes for Cog Sci (https://vasishth.github.io/bayescogsci/)
You can find it here:
#bayes #python #PyMC #bayesian #cogsci
🧠 I released v0.12 of my gactar tool for creating & running basic ACT-R models on multiple implementations using a single declarative file format.
ACT-R (Adaptive Control of Thought — Rational) is both a theory of cognition and an implementation of that theory in software.
This release fixes issues, adds some capabilities to the language, & adds some new command-line tools.
#CogSci #CognitiveScience #CognitiveArchitecture #CognitiveModelling #ACTR #OpenSource #GoLang
#cogsci #cognitivescience #CognitiveArchitecture #cognitivemodelling #actr #opensource #golang
How do we know what participants thought when we presented our stimuli?
#ProcessTracing can reveal what people saw (e.g., eye-tracking), consciously thought (e.g., concurrent think-aloud), etc.
Combining those two methods revealed:
(1) thinking aloud didn't impact gaze or word count
(2) retrospective think-aloud left out thoughts that were mentioned concurrently
(3) retrospective think-aloud introduced thoughts unmentioned concurrently
#processtracing #psychmethods #cogsci #xPhi
🚨 Free book alert!
Reason and Less: Pursuing Food, Sex, and Politics via #MITpress: https://doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/12811.001.0001
Dr. Goel follows arguments and evidence from multiple fields in cognitive science to some challenging conclusions about common beliefs. An #openAccess gem!
#neuroscience #psychology #cogSci #epistemology #decisionScience #xPhi #politics #religion #diet
#mitpress #openaccess #neuroscience #psychology #cogsci #epistemology #decisionscience #xPhi #politics #religion #diet
Interesting new model of cognitive evolution: https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2023.0671
Discussed by one of the authors on this podcast: https://manyminds.libsyn.com/the-five-portals-of-cognitive-evolution
#evolution #cognition #CogSci #CognitiveScience #science #neuroscience #podcast #biology
#evolution #cognition #cogsci #cognitivescience #science #neuroscience #podcast #biology
Here's a really interesting (long) paper on what a theory of computing based on arbitrary physical substrates might look like: http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.15408
#NewPaper #TheoreticalComputerScience #neuromorphic #CogSci #CognitiveScience #VSA #VectorSymbolicArchitecture #HDC #HyperdimensionalComputing #AnalogComputing
#newpaper #theoreticalcomputerscience #neuromorphic #cogsci #cognitivescience #vsa #vectorsymbolicarchitecture #HDC #hyperdimensionalcomputing #analogcomputing
For a few pages we have an interesting analysis of both the implicit cognitive science, and the explicit cinematographic techniques involved in the vertiginous opening credits of the film "Limitless".
Camerawork: A zoom from roof to street, block to block, then brain to neuron to brain...
#CogSci : memory as database, any memory equally accessible.
#cogsci #scale #digitallife #MediaTheory
We need better models (in cogsci, in psych, in human arenas) about this. (I'm working on some). There needs to be language for there to be literacy, and there needs to be artefacts in that language for the literacy to have relevance in the society. Many people are doing the work, and I'm excited for it. But the actual structure and means for these things will take care and effort to build properly.
#theory #trauma #healing #cogsci #psychology #philosophy #innovation
#theory #trauma #healing #cogsci #psychology #philosophy #innovation
Can the civic and rational benefits of discussion and argument mapping be combined?
Platforms like BCause and Kialo attempt to find out.
Here's a recent conference paper about the former: https://aclanthology.org/2023.sicon-1.5
#CriticalThinking #CogSci #Rationality #DecisionScience #xPhi #Logic #polarization
#criticalthinking #cogsci #rationality #decisionscience #xPhi #logic #polarization
On trouvera sur le site de l'#OTAN le rapport signalé (2019) dans l'émission, et cette note de l'OTAN Review de 2021 https://www.nato.int/docu/review/articles/2021/05/20/countering-cognitive-warfare-awareness-and-resilience/index.html
#cognitivewarefare #warefare #cogsci
#otan #cognitivewarefare #warefare #cogsci
[Listening] ça parle guerre cognitive là sur #franceinter ➡️ "L'affaire TikTok et le spectre de la guerre cognitive : nos cerveaux comme ultimes champs de bataille ?" sur https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/cyberpouvoirs/cyberpouvoirs-du-dimanche-30-juillet-2023-7519934
#radiofrance #cognitivewarfare #warefare #cogsci #tiktok
#franceinter #radiofrance #CognitiveWarfare #warefare #cogsci #tiktok
If tiny manipulations to a survey won’t get people thinking more reflectively, what will?
Three 15-minute online critical thinking video lessons improved performance on reflection tests and other quantitative measures of reasoning ability (N ≅ 150 Prolific workers) .
#CogSci #Epistemology #edu #Philosophy #xPhi #DecisionScience
#cogsci #epistemology #edu #philosophy #xPhi #decisionscience
The deadline to propose a commentary on our proxy failure (Goodhart's Law) paper in BBS is August 10th!
#Neuroscience #Biology #Economics #Ecology #Evolution #CogSci #CognitiveScience
#cognitivescience #cogsci #evolution #ecology #economics #biology #neuroscience
What else does cognitive reflection test performance correlate with?
Detection of coding errors, apparently: https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSE-SEET58685.2023.00006
#ComputerScience #CriticalThinking #Coding #CS #software #DecisionScience #CogSci #Epistemology
#computerscience #criticalthinking #coding #cs #software #decisionscience #cogsci #epistemology