@ominazzoli @timhenke
#EPS referring (of course) to ["Ehlers-Priani-Schild"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%BCrgen_Ehlers#cite_ref-27),
in [this case](https://mathstodon.xyz/@MisterRelativity/109718470425452510).
#relativity #coincidencedeterminations #particle #spacetime #eps
> <em> hesitate to say acceleration is _the cause_ for #TD </em>
Only a flat region or a (therefore so called) [[normal]] region allow this strong statement about paths connecting 1 initial and 1 final event:
exhibiting unequal lengths (durations) is then _sufficient + necessary_ for (all but 1 of) them exhibiting acceleration (bends, even kinks/knees).
But not more general.
> <em> already a property of the metric </em>
Primary in #RT are #CoincidenceDeterminations
#coincidencedeterminations #rt #td
Joe Heafner wrote:
> <em> [...] concept of #InertialFrame in [... the ST] of #relativity https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.15570 </em>
So ... author Boris Čulina, who
- doesn't even acknowledge a distinction of "good #clock" vs. "bad #clock" (cmp. MTW, Fig. 1.9),
- much less #HowTo define + measure such a distinction by [#CoincidenceDeterminations](http://einsteinpapers.press.princeton.edu/vol6-trans/165?highlightText=coincidences),
is nevertheless https://arxiv.org/auth/show-endorsers/2103.15570 ?!? ...
Well, therefore, we have #mastodon
#mastodon #coincidencedeterminations #howto #clock #relativity #inertialframe