A valuable @TwigaLundgren story on Norway drilling, albeit a #coldbath for those focused solely on #climatecrisis. Realtime energy (and economic) exigencies will continue to dominate long-term climate concerns. Tony Blair made this clear way back in 2005: https://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/04/weekinreview/on-climate-change-a-change-of-thinking.html…
RT @kaleekreider
Norway to make Arctic Oil Drilling Push as “Priorities Change” https…
Vital #coldbath reality check amid #EV euphoria. Who's laid out the best argument that tough (and vulnerable) #EPA emission rules will actually transform USA vehicle sales (not model mix) from ICE/hybrid to mostly EV by 2032? (note ad placement @INFINITIUSA *hybrid*)
RT @TedNordhaus
How tough are new Biden EPA fuel economy standards? It depends. If EV sales don't hit Biden targets, new rule will price gasoline powered vehicles out …
🏊♀️ minule mě ta Vltava přišla studenější, dneska kolem 5,8 stupňů, plavačka 10 minut. A velmi příjemný.
A už se těším do sudu, protože příští týden bude mrznout.
#coldbath #WinterSwimming #otuzovani
#coldbath #WinterSwimming #otuzovani
🏊♀️ minule mě ta Vltava přišla studenější, dneska kolem 5, stupňů, plavačka 10 minut. A velmi příjemný.
A už se těším do sudu, protože příští týden bude mrznout.
Almost every day the same routine from November. Cold bath.
Most important for my mental health, not the physical one.
Do you ever practice in the same way? Share your experience.