ICYMI - One more invite for 2022 to check out a great winter read. From borg writer E. C. Bunce! At what should have been an exceptionally Victorian Christmas, did someone invite a murderer to the mayor's Christmas party? Find out in #ColdBloodedMyrtle - finalist for this year's Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America. All the details are in the attached link to borg.com. @ecbunce #bookstodon #mystery #Christmasreads #Xmas https://borg.com/2022/12/27/winter-reading-for-another-victorian-winter-tale-try-cold-blooded-myrtle/
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Hat jemand an einem außergewöhnlichen viktorianischen Weihnachtsfest einen Mörder zur Weihnachtsfeier des Bürgermeisters eingeladen? Finden Sie es heraus in Das Geheimnis des Glockenturms – Finalist für den diesjährigen Edgar Award der Mystery Writers of America. Von der Schriftstellerin Elizabeth Bunce. @ecbunce #bookstodon #mystery #Christmasreads #Xmas #ColdBloodedMyrtle https://www.knesebeck-verlag.de/das_geheimnis_des_glockenturms/t-1/1099
#coldbloodedmyrtle #xmas #christmasreads #mystery #bookstodon
At what should have been an exceptionally Victorian Christmas, did someone invite a murderer to the mayor's Christmas party? Find out in #ColdBloodedMyrtle - finalist for this year's Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America. #bookstodon #mystery #Christmasreads #Xmas https://amzn.to/3hiaw7w
#xmas #christmasreads #mystery #bookstodon #coldbloodedmyrtle