"Allein in Deutschland registriert die Polizei nach Angaben des BKA durchschnittlich jeden Tag einen Tötungsversuch gegen eine Frau. Fast alle drei Tage stirbt eine Frau durch die Hand ihres Partners oder Ex-Partners." (dw.com) - Google Übersetzung
#Frauen #ermordung #coldcases #bka #Deutschland
Germany: New leads in decades-old cases of slain women https://www.dw.com/en/germany-new-leads-in-decades-old-cases-of-slain-women/a-66616904?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf
@helma "alleen met toestemming, hoor!"
0️⃣ Toestemming van een individu is betekenisloos bij verwantschapsonderzoek. Toestemming van je opoe? Daar deel je een groot deel van je DNA mee.
1️⃣ Toestemming is geen werkbare #AVG grondslag voor justitie, omdat dit het deel vd overheid is met het geweldsmonopolie. Die toestemming is dus niet vrij gegeven.
2️⃣Als je geen toestemming geeft, is dat wel hééél verdacht.
3️⃣Bij gebrek aan toestemming kan justitie altijd alsnog gaan vorderen.
4️⃣Met welk doel is die #DNAdatabank opgezet? Niet als opsporingshulpmiddel voor een handvol #ColdCases, dus idd #FunctionCreep #GlijdendeSchaal
De enige verstandige manier om hiermee om te gaan is zorgen dat je DNA en dat van je familie nìet in dit soort databanken terecht komt. Staat het er al in? Laat het vernietigen! Vandaag nog!
En voor de #AutoriteitPersoonsgegevens tijd om te gaan handhaven.
#avg #dnadatabank #coldcases #functioncreep #glijdendeschaal #autoriteitpersoonsgegevens
Neuer Ermittlungsstand im ungeklärten Mordfall Sonja Engelbrecht aus #München aus dem Jahr 1995 heute um 20.15 Uhr in "Aktenzeichen XY - #ColdCases" im ZDF
📻 #Écoutez comment l'administration judiciaire travaille à ne pas trouver les auteurs : https://franceculture.fr/emissions/les-pieds-sur-terre/cold-case-lavocate-des-oublies #biaisJudiciaire #justice #conseilPodcast
"Quand tout le monde travaille dans le même sens, on identifie assez vite l'auteur" dit Corinne #Herrmann, avocate #coldcases #STOPféminicides
#ecoutez #biaisjudiciaire #justice #conseilpodcast #herrmann #coldcases #stopfeminicides
I'm new on journa.host, so an #introduction.
I'm an #IndependentJournalist—reporting mostly on #CivilRights #ColdCases. I reported for #Frontline's Emmy Award winning #Unresolved, but I've been on this beat since 2005.
My blog in the aughts about/inspired by my father's time as special assistant to #MLK in the #SCLC was how I got started.
Stories are mainly in #Mississippi, but currently I'm working w/support from #TypeInvestigations on the 1965 #PoliceKilling of a Black man in #Louisiana.
#introduction #independentjournalist #civilrights #coldcases #frontline #unresolved #MLK #sclc #mississippi #typeinvestigations #policekilling #Louisiana
Incredibly proud of the team at Firebird for giving this child her name back ... and helping the cause of justice.
#dna #coldcases #geneticgenealogy
RT @SWRAktuellRP@twitter.com
Ein enthaupteter Obdachloser, eine getötete junge Touristin aus den USA, das Skelett eines unbekannten Mordopfers - können diese Taten jemals aufgeklärt werden? #RLP #Coldcases #Polizei https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/rheinland-pfalz/ungeloeste-mordfaelle-in-rlp-100.html
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SWRAktuellRP/status/1608904492606709760
In which I attempt to explain how trying to understand my dad's life led me to investigating #CivilRights #ColdCases:
#CivilRightsMovement #MLK #Birimingham #Alabama #blogging #RacistViolence #Mississippi (2)
#civilrights #coldcases #civilrightsmovement #mlk #birimingham #alabama #blogging #racistviolence #mississippi
Then in 2009 with #posterous, a #Tumblr competitor, and an #iphone, you could email #GoogleMaps locations, photos, video, text, voice etc to your account and they'd be autoformatted into posts, essentially #LiveBlogging my #investigation from the field with #geolocations and #RichMedia.
#journalism #CivilRights #ColdCases #RacistViolence #mississippi #histodons #blogging #SocialMedia #nptech
#posterous #tumblr #iphone #googlemaps #liveblogging #investigation #geolocations #richmedia #Journalism #civilrights #coldcases #racistviolence #mississippi #histodons #blogging #socialmedia #nptech
A few weeks ago I requested my #TwitterArchive and, thankfully, got it a week or so later. I *just* remembered I need to do this for my other, private, account that I joined with even earlier, in April 07. I used the private account to tweet live from the field in rural Southwest #Mississippi to a small group of colleagues and friends--before this was commonly done by #journalists. Hope I can still get the backup. #CivilRights #ColdCases #RacistViolence #journalism #histodons #nptech
#twitterarchive #mississippi #journalists #civilrights #coldcases #racistviolence #Journalism #histodons #nptech
It often seems that when people think of #CivilRights #coldcases they think of #RacistMurders of #BlackPeople trying to #vote or doing other civil rights #activism. The fact is that the vast majority of documented cases are of Black people being killed just for existing. Many more #MichaelBrowns than #MedgarEvers. #history
#civilrights #coldcases #racistmurders #blackpeople #vote #activism #michaelbrowns #medgarevers #history
Pulitzer Prize winning author Edward Humes explores a murder cold case solved by forensic genealogy, and talks about the implications, in “The Forever Witness.” #dna #GeneticGenealogy #genealogy #coldcases
#dna #geneticgenealogy #Genealogy #coldcases
Belatedly watching this BBC programme about an unsolved 1912 murder in Broughty Ferry, Dundee https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001d2tz/david-wilsons-crime-files-series-3-cold-cases-1-waiting-for-science
#Dundee #Scotland #BroughtyFerry #Crime #Murder #ForensicScience #Forensics #ColdCases #TrueCrime
#truecrime #coldcases #forensics #forensicscience #murder #crime #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee
Internal Sales Coordinator in Agricultural Manufacturing. Recent #hamont transplant.
Previously, #BYCS Bicycle Mayor in #ldnont . #Fanshawe grad X 2.
I live with 2 pointed cats & a #beagle named Tuna. Proud mom of 2 fantastic young men & 1 DIL. And my awesome #nerd partner, also a bike fan.
#foodsecurity #foraging #gleaning
#gardening #shoplocal #thankafarmer #antisprawl #urbandensity #citiesareforpeople #walkeablecities #bicycles #ProtectedBikeLanesNow #visionzero #transit
#GOtransit #kayaking #camping #biketouring #railtrails #volunteering #theatre #supportlocalartists #canadaland #waroncars #murderwasthecase #coldcases #homesforall #tinyhomes
#hamont #BYCS #ldnont #Fanshawe #beagle #nerd #foodsecurity #foraging #gleaning #gardening #shoplocal #thankafarmer #antisprawl #urbandensity #citiesareforpeople #walkeablecities #bicycles #ProtectedBikeLanesNow #visionzero #transit #GOTransit #kayaking #camping #biketouring #railtrails #volunteering #theatre #supportlocalartists #canadaland #waroncars #murderwasthecase #coldcases #homesforall #tinyhomes
#libération #société "Cold cases : le complément d'enquête des familles" #Police #Justice #ColdCases ... https://www.liberation.fr/societe/police-justice/cold-cases-le-complement-denquete-des-familles-20210605_44LBITR55ZEBTPZLQK6D2DSO3Y/
#libération #société #police #justice #coldcases
#libération #société "Cold cases : le complément d'enquête des familles" #Police #Justice #ColdCases ... https://www.liberation.fr/societe/police-justice/cold-cases-le-complement-denquete-des-familles-20210605_44LBITR55ZEBTPZLQK6D2DSO3Y/
#coldcases #justice #police #société #libération
#ColdCases💀 : « Certains morts en silos seraient-ils des #esclaves des Gaulois ? » par l'excellent #ThomasLaurent
#coldcases #esclaves #thomaslaurent
« Des esclaves à la préhistoire ? » par #ThomasLaurent
#coldcases #archéologie #thomaslaurent