Örökítsük meg 2023 talán legforróbb napját. Nyugatról már bekacsint a nyarat végleg lezáró hidegfront. #weather #summer #thehottestdayoftheyear #goodbyesummer #coldfront
#weather #summer #thehottestdayoftheyear #goodbyesummer #coldfront
Csak lesz itt valami #akarattya #idillibaszod #photography #coldfront #balaton
#akarattya #idillibaszod #photography #coldfront #balaton
A bennem élő H Bóna Márta sikongat ilyenkor: közel 20 fokos hőmérséklet eltérés kelet és nyugat közt.#weather #highcontrast #coldfront #idokep #summer #temperature
#weather #highcontrast #coldfront #idokep #summer #temperature
Global News BC: Rain, thunderstorms, wind forecast for parts of B.C. as cold front approaches https://globalnews.ca/news/9764051/rain-thunderstorms-wind-forecast-parts-of-bc-cold-front/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #SpecialWeatherStatement #Thunderstorm #weatheralert #BCWildfire #BCweather #ColdFront #firerisk #Wildfire #Weather #Fire #Rain #Wind
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #SpecialWeatherStatement #thunderstorm #weatheralert #BCWildfire #BCweather #coldfront #firerisk #Wildfire #Weather #fire #rain #wind
@annejefferson a cold front came through here last night (check out the cool clouds!) But without a drop of rain, only more wind to further dry everything out.. 🙄
It's a colder day in the #Northland with some #showers still around after a #coldfront went through Tuesday night.
With gusty #winds coming off #LakeSuperior, it's not the best day to be out on the waters or along the #TwinPorts shoreline. Alerts are in place through this evening.
#northland #showers #coldfront #winds #lakesuperior #twinports #wxtooter #weather #mnwx #wiwx #upwx
A #coldfront will pass through the #Northland from north to south, bringing scattered #showers and #thunderstorms through Tuesday night. The front will also bring #gusty northeast #winds, cooling #temperatures quickly.
Wednesday will see skies clear, but the winds and cool temps persist.
VIDEO: https://www.fox21online.com/2023/05/23/tuesday-evening-northland-forecast-5-23-2023/
#coldfront #northland #showers #thunderstorms #gusty #winds #temperatures #wxtooter #weather #forecast #mnwx #wiwx #upwx
Hopefully the power will be back on in the morning. Going to be an extra blanket kind of night. Thankful for my Luci lights.
#ColdFront #weather #SFBA #NoPower
#coldfront #weather #sfba #nopower
As a cold front moves through, it's fun watching the temperature drop so quickly on my little weather station.
6 degrees in 5 minutes or so!
#today (assuming that starts at midnight) kept the fire going all night in the woodstove, which is our backup for the heat pump that stops working at -14°F. Temps dropped to -19°F and stayed below heat pump range until almost 10am. Then slept all day! #PolarVortex #ColdFront #weather #Vermont
#vermont #weather #coldfront #PolarVortex #today
The #ColdFront definitely made life a bit messier, but it gave some beautiful #Ice features in the #BotanicalGarden! Honestly the second picture gives me ideas for a #DnD dungeon!
#coldfront #ice #botanicalgarden #dnd #garden
How cold was my apartment while I was away?
I had left this half empty bottle of room temperature water on my desk before I left. When I came back, most of it was ice.
#winterstorm2022 #coldfront #okwx
rolling blackouts paused in middle TN, but turn off/down your major appliances, Christmas lights, & thermostat y’all!
#nashville #coldfront #bombcyclone
#bombcyclone #coldfront #nashville
The arctic cold front came through my little corner of Texas yesterday around 11:30 AM. Overnight it was 13 F with a wind chill of -3 F. This morning, it was bird-central-station at the bird feeder.
#birdwatching #coldfront #ArcticBlast
TVA implementing rolling blackouts across TN & KY due to weather, grid stress
#nashville #coldfront #bombcyclone
#bombcyclone #coldfront #nashville
At 8am this morning it was 43F here in Winston Salem, NC.
At 9:30am it was 29F here in Winston Salem, NC.
Currently at 11:15am it's now 20F here in Winston Salem, NC.
All of this while the winds are blowing 40 - 50 MPH which makes it feel brutally cold outside.
#weather #winter #cold #coldfront
Has anyone else had their wfh productivity absolutely smashed by this cold front?
In other news our two cats have discovered that the warmest place in the house is in bed. With me. Under a pile of blankets.
Has anyone else had their wfh productivity absolutely smashed by this cold front?
In other news our two cats have discovered that the warmest place in the house is in bed. With me. Under a pile of blankets.
temps dropping to 0 F, -25 wind chill. the closest Nashville has come to an apocalypse since the tornado of March ‘20
#nashville #coldfront #bombcyclone
#bombcyclone #coldfront #nashville
It’s 17 degrees in #Texas right now. #winter #coldfront #dogs
#texas #winter #coldfront #dogs