Dang it. I just found out a #shoegaze band I like a lot, #coldgawd, are coming to #pdx. So I went to check out tickets and SOLDOUT. Damn, I must be out of the loop still. https://youtu.be/d0N2qmbOyxg
Wrote a thing that, in a rare move, am kinda proud of.
#deftones #diadelosdeftones2022 #cancer #coldgawd #provoker #destroyboys #freddiegibbs #audreynuna #turnstile #phantogram #sandiego #sandiegomusic
#deftones #diadelosdeftones2022 #cancer #coldgawd #provoker #destroyboys #FreddieGibbs #audreynuna #Turnstile #phantogram #sandiego #sandiegomusic
A new batch of reviews for #Shfl here in the weekly newsletter; check out work as always from colleagues like @burningambulance and @joemuggs, plus Jeff Treppel, Nate Patrin and Beatriz Miranda. The groups I reviewed listed further in hashtags.
#music #RinaSawayama #WorkingMensClub #ColdGawd #GIFT #KeeleyForsyth #TheVeldt #ManicStreetPreachers https://news.theshfl.com/p/shfl-update-1117
#Shfl #music #rinasawayama #workingmensclub #coldgawd #gift #keeleyforsyth #theveldt #ManicStreetPreachers