Presque 10 mn de #DemocracyNow consacrées à la France et aux luttes pour venir à bout de la #contrereformedesretraites , je ne boude pas mon plaisir.
Merci à #AmyGoodman de porter notre combat au delà des frontières de l'hexagone.
Merci également à #ColeStangler pour son papier dans le #NyTimes "France is furious" qui explique parfaitement dans cette vidéo notre situation aux camarades étasuniens.
#democracynow #contrereformedesretraites #AmyGoodman #colestangler #nytimes #reformedesretaites #burnbabyburn
"Calls to clean up trash on the streets of the capital may fire up the president’s wealthy urban base, but they’ve fallen on deaf ears for most of the country, which has little in common with moneyed Parisians."
#France is Furious
#RéformeDesRetraites #NonÀLaRéformeDesRetraites #retraites #PolFR #64ansCEstNon #StopRetraiteMacron #GrèveReconductible #Macronie #Macron #manifestations #manifs
#manifs #manifestations #macron #macronie #grevereconductible #stopretraitemacron #64anscestnon #polfr #retraites #nonalareformedesretraites #reformedesretraites #france #colestangler
" 'Not only is the government trying to do this #PensionReform that people see as fundamentally unfair, but they’re ignoring historically large protests even by French standards,' says journalist #ColeStangler from Marseille. His new guest essay in The New York Times is headlined '#France Is Furious.' "
#RéformeDesRetraites #NonÀLaRéformeDesRetraites #retraites #PolFR #64ansCEstNon #StopRetraiteMacron #GrèveReconductible #Macronie #Macron #manifestations #manifs
#manifs #manifestations #macron #macronie #grevereconductible #stopretraitemacron #64anscestnon #polfr #retraites #nonalareformedesretraites #reformedesretraites #france #colestangler #pensionreform
"Calls to clean up trash on the streets of the capital may fire up the president’s wealthy urban base, but they’ve fallen on deaf ears for most of the country, which has little in common with moneyed Parisians."
#France is Furious
#RéformeDesRetraites #NonÀLaRéformeDesRetraites #retraites #PolFR #64ansCEstNon #StopRetraiteMacron #GrèveReconductible #Macronie #Macron #manifestations #manifs
#manifs #manifestations #macron #macronie #grevereconductible #stopretraitemacron #64anscestnon #polfr #retraites #nonalareformedesretraites #reformedesretraites #france #colestangler