Kingsman: The Secret Service Film completo in spagnolo latino
#11settembre #colinfirth
In „A Single Man“ muss Colin Firth als alternder Literaturprofessor den Tod seines Lebensgefährten verkraften. Jennifer Lopez kann in „The Cell“ in das Unterbewusstsein eines Serienmörders einsteigen. Und in „Die Geschichte der Menschheit – leicht gekürzt“ erklärt euch Christoph Maria Herbst, was zwischen Urknall und Gegenwart alles passiert ist.
#ASingleMan #ChristophMariaHerbst #ColinFirth #Drama #Mubi #TomFord #WasLäuftHeute
#asingleman #christophmariaherbst #colinfirth #drama #mubi #tomford #waslauftheute
In "Attracting Payment 2" a couple of charismatic dancers (#MichaelKeaton, #ColinFirth) render vengeance after driven to insanity by the cruel clown Fallon Butcher (#CaraDelevingne). - #CineMastodon #Revenge #Movies
#michaelkeaton #colinfirth #caradelevingne #cinemastodon #revenge #movies
#EmpireOfLight: The light's on but nobody's home as #SamMendes brings the latest (and easily the worst) in the recent trend of famous directors making movies about the magic of movies.
Full review at Mahan's Media: #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #moviemagic #drama #sitcom #romance #oliviacolman #michealward #tobyjones #colinfirth #whitewomandiscoversracismisbad
#empireoflight #sammendes #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #moviemagic #drama #sitcom #romance #oliviacolman #michealward #tobyjones #colinfirth #whitewomandiscoversracismisbad
Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim widmet sich in „MAITHINK X“ auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage emotional aufgeladenen Debatten. Ein stotternder Thronfolger kämpft in „The King’s Speech — Die Rede des Königs“ mit seinem Handicap und der Comedian Kevin Hart versucht in „Die Hart“ zum knallharten Actionhelden zu werden.
#ColinFirth #HelenaBonhamCarter #KevinHart #MaiThiNguyenKim #WasLäuftHeute #Wissenschaft
#colinfirth #helenabonhamcarter #kevinhart #maithinguyenkim #waslauftheute #wissenschaft
#EmpireOfLight is a beautiful film. #HBOMax Starring #Olivia Colman, #MichaelWard, #TobyJones & #ColinFirth.
#empireoflight #hbomax #Olivia #michaelward #tobyjones #colinfirth
FIRE STARTER: Like Ridley Scott and Alan Parker, 'Chariots of Fire' director Hugh Hudson cut his filmmaking teeth making commercials. However he would also play an important role in elevating British cinema on the world stage. Paste the link now to catch the Pomona review .. #britishfilms #HughHudson #chariotsoffire #greystoke #tarzan #ianholm #colinfirth #BenCross #iancharleson #revolution #alpacino #DonaldSutherland #maryamdabo #davidputtnam
#britishfilms #hughhudson #chariotsoffire #greystoke #tarzan #IanHolm #colinfirth #bencross #iancharleson #revolution #AlPacino #donaldsutherland #maryamdabo #davidputtnam
I've been toying with the idea of setting up a Redbubble store or similar, so I've been working on some potential designs suitable for tees and prints.
This one, remarkably, isn't even a Doctor Who one, but just inspired by what we watched for movie night last weekend, The King's Speech
#kingspeech #thekingsspeech #colinfirth #georgevi
REEL LOVE: #SamMendes' #EmpireofLight didn't get the #Oscars love than other weaker movies got. But despite this Pomona is enchanted by the 1980s tale with #OliviaColman, #MichealWard #TobyJones & #ColinFirth..… #bafta2023 #Oscars2023 #OscarNoms #seaside #romance #resort #cinema #film #entertainment #movies #eighties #arts #poetry #twotone
#sammendes #empireoflight #Oscars #oliviacolman #michealward #tobyjones #colinfirth #bafta2023 #Oscars2023 #oscarnoms #seaside #romance #resort #cinema #film #entertainment #movies #eighties #arts #poetry #twotone
Via the Jane Austen center Facebook page.
Happy Birthday, Pride and Prejudice! ✨
210 years ago Jane Austen first introduced the world to Lizzy Bennet and Mr Darcy! 📚
Originally published under the pseudonym 'By A Lady', the book has gone on to sell over 20 million copies! 🔥
Is Pride & Prejudice your favourite Jane Austen novel?
#prideandprejudice #janeausten #mrdarcy #lizzybennet #literature #bathuk #bennet
#prideandprejudice #janeausten #mrdarcy #lizzybennet #literature #bathuk #bennet #colinfirth #matthewmacfayden #keiraknightley
In "Intense Death II" resigned U.S. Marshal Adrian Skinner (#BradPitt) brings justice after a bunch of hair-raising bankers (#CharlizeTheron, #ColinFirth) stealing his vintage bicycle and abducting his spouse Henry (#ChristophWaltz) while on vacation in Vienna, Austria.
#bradpitt #charlizetheron #colinfirth #christophwaltz
Having enjoyed Sense & Sensibility, I have set myself up to read Pride & Prejudice also, firstly by watching the movie on Netflix.
Sadly it wasn't the 1995 Colin Firth one with the famous swimming in the lake scene. (boo). But now having watched that I am ready to read the book.
#classics #JaneAusten #colinfirth
Immensely disappointed to find The King's Speech today was not the Colin Firth (swoon) film, but just a man with an intense dislike of pen butlers, wittering on as if he cared or understood the lives of others.
#thekingsspeech #film #films #movie #colinfirth #king #monarchy #NotMyKing
#NotMyKing #monarchy #king #colinfirth #movie #films #film #thekingsspeech
With the prospect of a third "Mamma Mia!" movie still technically on the table, Christine Baranski and Colin Firth talked to us about the band that inspired the series, ABBA.
#ChristineBaranski #ColinFirth #MamaMia #MamaMia3 #Music #Movies #movienews #Film #entertainmentNews #CelebrityNews
#christinebaranski #colinfirth #mamamia #mamamia3 #music #movies #movienews #film #entertainmentnews #celebritynews
#LoveActually evening. Still my favourite Christmas film. Mainly because it has #ColinFirth in it. Although this scene is still my favourite.