Gizmodo: What We Do in the Shadows Season 5 Promises Even More Vampiric Hijinks #whatwedointheshadows #entertainmentculture #guillermodelacruz #natasiademetriou #brainscramblies #kristenschall #colinrobinson #harveyguillen #werewolffilms #urbanfantasy #markproksch #kayvannovak #mattberry #shadows #vampire #witches #nandor #laszlo #nadja
#whatwedointheshadows #entertainmentculture #guillermodelacruz #natasiademetriou #brainscramblies #kristenschall #colinrobinson #harveyguillen #werewolffilms #urbanfantasy #markproksch #kayvannovak #mattberry #shadows #vampire #witches #nandor #laszlo #nadja
Went on a #riverboat ride and there was a guide commentator for the 1.5 hour tour and he was a total #ColinRobinson.
Realized that's a perfect job for an Energy #Vampire. Captive audience for the duration of the tour. Almost had to jump into the river to save myself. Not sure how we made it through but people couldnt wait to get off that boat.
#WWDITS #WhatWeDoInTheShadows
#riverboat #colinrobinson #vampire #wwdits #whatwedointheshadows
#colinrobinson #whatwedointheshadows #tv #tvshow #tvseries #movie #movies #joker
This is a waking nightmare
#movie #movies #tv #tvshow #tvseries #vampires #whatwedointheshadows #wwdints #colinrobinson #officespace
#movie #movies #tv #tvshow #tvseries #vampires #whatwedointheshadows #wwdints #colinrobinson #officespace
#whatWeDoInTheShadows is there a real life #ColinRobinson in your life? How about the variation that is massively obtuse and not getting what your talking about, but won’t let it go, and constantly asks for clarification, and then misinterprets the clarification?
#colinrobinson #whatwedointheshadows
#whatwedointheshadows the best of Colin Robinson part 1 #colinrobinson
#whatwedointheshadows #colinrobinson