The goal is to reduce/eliminate e-waste, and to have a software ecosystem that is resistant to supply chain constraints or even collapse. I think a subculture of #PermaComputing is what you might call #CollapseComputing (not certain about the terminology there) -- creating software tools and hardware flexibility that can survive even the total collapse of the modern economy and supply chain -- think Mad Max with computers, haha.
#permacomputing #collapseComputing
Can't get this thought out of my brainmeats:
What if a portable #permacomputing / #collapseComputing languages used something like G expressions in #Guix to cross compile expressions to other architectures?
Imagine a cluster of salvaged hardware (possibly just the embedded CPUs already found in a modern PC) that you can deploy native code to, for a mix of redundancy and performance.
#guix #collapseComputing #permacomputing
#collapseComputing idea: HDD controller as general purpose machine??
#theFoundry #collapseComputing
Hmm. Yknow how people make DIY laptops from PC parts? I wonder if one could make a DIY rugged laptop that way...
cc #theFoundry is this within the realm of possibility?
Also cc #collapseComputing / #frugalComputing since if you had to build a computer from spare parts in the apocalypse, you'd probably want to make it last.
#frugalcomputing #collapseComputing #theFoundry