No glimmer of hope is left after having read this well-documented and seemingly weel-informed paper ( a predictable "major population correction" triggered by our negative output on our ecosystem. Maybe other scientists have divergent opinions, or could this paper make a consensus on what is going to happen to us all? #collapsology
Toll! Danke für's Teilen
#Collapsology is a thing. #Kollapsologie hört sich nach Doomer an, aber es ist genau jenes Vehikel zur konstruktiven Bewusstwerdung, Auseinandersetzung und Ins Handeln Kommen, das von Samira El Ouassil beschrieben und vorgeschlagen wird, ohne, dass sie den Begriff nennt.
Sehr schön geschrieben.
Lediglich wo sie vom "veremeintlichen Verzicht" schreibt, hab ich gestutzt und geseufzt: sind wir denn immernoch auf dem Kindergartenlevel von #Lindner 's "Ich will nicht verzichten!"?
Aber wenn sie glaubt, Verzicht wär unnötig und würde auch von keinem Klimaaktivisten beworben, warum schreibt sie dann überhaupt den Essay?
#collapsology #kollapsologie #lindner
Have a Christmess. Or Festivus. Or a sleep-in, or whatever. It could be our last one. Probably not but you never know. #ClimateCrisis #overshoot #collapsology
#climatecrisis #overshoot #collapsology
Everything we have comes from the earth in one way or another: ballet shoes, boardroom chairs, aeroplane fuel, secateurs, rearview mirrors, door knobs, gaffer tape, yacht sails, cling wrap, office building windows, USB cables, aircraft carrier hulls, books, solar panels, hospital gowns, bricks, waffle pods, nail clippers, bitumen, duvets, guitar amps, water tanks, dog collars, telescope barrels, biros, eyeglass frames, parquet flooring… And we keep digging it all up. #Collapsology #TiredEarth
Everything we have comes from the earth in one way or another: ballet shoes, boardroom chairs, aeroplane fuel, secateurs, rearview mirrors, door knobs, gaffer tape, yacht sails, cling wrap, office building windows, USB cables, aircraft carrier hulls, books, solar panels, hospital gowns, bricks, waffle pods, nail clippers, bitumen, duvets, guitar amps, water tanks, dog collars, telescope barrels, biros, eyeglass frames, parquet flooring… And we keep digging it all up. #Collapsology #TiredEarth
RT @AndMedh
Had a wonderful lunch y'day with my wife and two kids (27y and 22y) during which we discussed my views on near term #SocietalCollapse due 2 #ClimateCrisis + #EcologicalCrisis.
I struggled 2 adequately define what that means. 1/n
#COP27 #collapsology #collapsologie @collapsology
#collapsologie #collapsology #cop27 #ecologicalcrisis #ClimateCrisis #societalcollapse
48yo #hamradio op, who passed his exam in 1991.
Especially interested in #collapsology and, consequently, #resilience in #amateurradio and #EMCOM operations.
I am also the guy who design the #ELKPAK antennas kits.
#introduction #ELKPAK #emcom #amateurradio #resilience #collapsology #hamradio
"The Limits to Growth (1973) standard run, still the most accurate prediction of the future."
"Despite an abundance of handwaving on the part of the prophets of perpetual progress, the brave new world of fusion power, space colonies, and all those other facile daydreams of human omnipotence is just as far away today as it was in the early 1970s.
From the article "The Last Years of Progress"
#collapse #collapsology
ah ben j’avais oublié le #WeeklyPhotoChallenge #Collapsology / #Effondrement
au #PèreLachaise
#ZenitE #argentique #analogic
#weeklyphotochallenge #collapsology #effondrement #pèrelachaise #zenite #argentique #analogic
ah ben j’avais oublié le #WeeklyPhotoChallenge #Collapsology / #Effondrement
au #PèreLachaise
#ZenitE #argentique #analogic
#weeklyphotochallenge #collapsology #effondrement #pèrelachaise #zenite #argentique #analogic
Saying that if people drastically changed their way of life they could still only offset a few % of the impact humanity has on the planet whereas corporations could offset most of it makes complete sense... if you don't realize that 100% of humanity is people and 0% of corporations would survive if those people's way of life meant not doing any business with them.
We have all the power needed. We just need the bravery.
#climatecrisis #climatechange #environment #lifepreservation #collapsology
#collapsology #lifepreservation #environment #ClimateChange #climatecrisis
Capitalism Killed Our Climate Momentum, Not “Human Nature”
#climate #politic #history #NYTimes #capitalism #collapsology
#collapsology #capitalism #nytimes #history #politic #climate