Michael W. Twitty🥬 wrote
"Food was a window for me into the fact Southern white people and their descendants are the most African-rooted white people in mainland North America.
How do we make sense of the engrained African, Afri-Creole and African American impact on Southern whites and at the same time acknowledge Black erasure and the decentering of Black narratives in the service of white supremacy? "
#collards #foodhistory #blackfolks #whitepeople #blackmastodon
Collard greens, yum.
Michael W. Twitty teaches culinary cultural history "on the foodways of Africa, enslaved African Americans, African America and the African and Jewish diasporas."
#foodhistory #Food #histodon #CulturalErasure #RevisionistHistory #Reclaim
#SuperFoods #LeafyGreens
#collards #foodhistory #food #Histodon #culturalerasure #revisionisthistory #reclaim #superfoods #leafygreens #blackmastodon
Colder weather cravings
"There was once a kaleidoscope of diversity in collards, as people diligently collected and replanted seeds, passing them from one generation to the next to preserve the qualities they found most important. Collards — an inexpensive, nutrient-rich vegetable — became a staple for many Southern families, especially African Americans trying to feed their families healthy food year-round."
#collards #foodways #veggies #veg #southern #blackmastodon
Only 5 days old. 😍 #greens and #collards. #GrowYourOwn #Gardening #Veggies
#greens #collards #growyourown #gardening #veggies
As a Black woman in Wales involved in sustainable local food and climate change mitigation, I sometimes feel like a fraud when I drive 25 miles to Cardiff so that I can buy food (all imported) from my culture. But I and many like me don't know how to grow food here. And so a project was born https://foodadventure.co.uk/portfolios/back-to-our-roots/ Registration in link. Open to people who can attend workshops in Cardiff/ Valleys
#growing #collards #okra #Wales#Cardiff #growyourown #gardening #urbangarden
#urbangarden #gardening #growyourown #Wales #okra #collards #growing
Started some Asian #greens and #collards #seeds. The little Asian grocery store was almost sold out of 🥬 veg last night; we got last bag of bok choy. Unreliable food chain irritates me. Fine. I will grow my own! 🤨 Tomorrow I will plant even more. #GrowYourOwn #Food #Gardening.
#greens #collards #seeds #growyourown #food #gardening
New Year’s Day Traditions #collards #peas #cornbread #TwilightZone
#collards #peas #cornbread #twilightzone
@inquiline This is another top-shelf #collards recipe, with grits and black eyed peas for when I'm truly homesick: https://casanctuary.org/recipes/smoky-collards-black-eyed-peas-and-garlicky-grits/
@inquiline Canned adobo sauce + soy + ginger + garlic + orange zest is my go-to for #vegan #collards, too. I replace the crushed red pepper with adobe in this otherwise magnificent recipe from the Flying Biscuit cookbook: https://grassfedcow.com/recipes/spicy-orange-scented-collard-greens/
A #vegan pro-tip for collards, and also split-pea soup:
Put in a little bit of chipotle pepper/adobo sauce along with oil and salt. Ham will not be missed.
This post is to populate the #collards tag for @VirginiaEubanks #BeTheAlgorithm!!
#vegan #collards #bethealgorithm
@calmlyballistic Should I become a #collards stan account? Because I can probably do that.
I am following everyone who stars the post about #collards, because you are my family. #CollardsForever
if you're #cooking for #Thanksgiving this year and you have an #InstantPot, you should know that your IP will knock out a mess of #collards in half an hour. Fry up your aromatics (garlic, onions); add a cup or so of stock or broth and seasonings like red pepper: add a trivet or steamer. **important to avoid burn errors** Then add collard greens right to the top. Close, seal, and use your Bean setting or just cook on high pressure for 30 minutes. Give it another 30 minutes to release pressure. Lots easier than the conventional methods.
#collards #instantpot #thanksgiving #cooking