My poor .
I've spent the on and a problem that tries to find that break ... If you are thinking about this problem, go and touch grass and do something way more with your time.

#cpu #morning #coding #implementing #math #candidates #collatzconjecture #productive #mathproblem #stupidmathproblem #why

Last updated 1 year ago

kinyutaka · @kinyutaka
71 followers · 1411 posts · Server

Observation on the

All numbers can be mapped to a lower number and the pathways leading away from 1 are the same between the higher and lower numbers, provided the mapping involves multiples of 3.

For example: 3x+2:

2 -> 4 -> 1
5-> 10 -> 3
8 -> 16 -> 5

2nd Example: 9x+4

4 -> 8 -> 16 -> 5 -> 10 -> 3
13 -> 26 -> 52 -> 17 -> 34 -> 11
22 -> 44 -> 88 -> 29 -> 58 -> 19

Increase multiple of 3 for larger map correlation.

Conclusion: all paths of Collatz are predictable.


Last updated 1 year ago

Bornach · @bornach
73 followers · 298 posts · Server

[Matt Parker] on the completion of The Great Collatz Collab in which hundreds of schools picked 3 digit numbers to test the Collatz Conjecture, which were then collated into a single large map

The project resources including downloadable map:

#youtube #collatzconjecture #collatz #maths #mathematics #stem #mathstodon #mastomaths #math

Last updated 2 years ago