Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
730 followers · 2834 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

: "Perhaps the most important lesson to be learnt from the digital revolution is how important it continues to be for knowledge producers and the creative industries to stand together and act collaboratively and collectively to establish a fair deal for creativity. Technology companies can wield extraordinary resources of money and power to assure the best outcomes for their business models, and are unlikely to be defeated by a single courageous campaign or campaigner. A united front is needed to ensure protections now and in the future; as the capabilities of artificial intelligence improve, new challenges will emerge, but ensuring copyright works will help put in place foundational protections for writers and help establish some boundaries for big tech companies and the technologies they bring to market.

No technology is inevitable. Artificial intelligence won’t replace humanity, but it is likely to change the nature of some jobs and many business models; these are not godlike entities, but human structures and processes. As such, the immediate challenge is not to be overcome by fear of AI or its mythical capabilities, but to deliver collective action that ensures human intelligence and creative labour is not subsumed by short-term commercial concerns."


#ai #generativeAI #creativelabour #collectiveaction

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2963 followers · 9204 posts · Server zirk.us

Raghuram Rajan (FT) posed an interesting Q. yesterday (although not quite in these terms):

Are responses to often problems?

Do actions by one country that seem sensible actually undermine other countries' efforts to repose to ?

His example: policies that effectively reduce the ability of developing countries' firms to access rich-country markets & so reduce resources in the former to respond to climate change or shift to new activities.

#ClimateCrisis #collectiveaction #climatechange #green

Last updated 1 year ago

JoeChip · @JoeChip
377 followers · 2546 posts · Server mstdn.social


via @joechip@libranet.de@libranet.de

We have reached a do-or-die moment in climate & eco-system collapse. I argue that a gradualist approach is no longer possible.

#collectiveaction #climatecollapse #Climate

Last updated 1 year ago

FeedBot · @feedbot
1 followers · 332 posts · Server mastodon.defiantjc.synology.me

A time for moral actions: Moral identity, morality-as-cooperation and moral circles predict support of collective action to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in an international sample ethicalpsychology.com/2023/07/ -as-cooperation

#morality #moralcircles #collectiveaction #moralidentity #pandemic

Last updated 1 year ago

Anker Kafory · @anker
27 followers · 204 posts · Server me.dm

🌬️ Air Quality Index (AQI) keeps us informed about pollution levels. From safe to hazardous, it's crucial for our health. Limit outdoor time, use masks. Let's breathe cleaner air! 💨

🏠 Keep indoor air clean with AC and filters. Address pollution sources, improve transportation. Act collectively for a healthier environment! 💪🍃

🌐 [Learn more](go.digitalengineer.io/GU)


#aqi #airquality #health #cleanair #pollution #collectiveaction

Last updated 1 year ago

Peter Wight · @PeterW
5 followers · 21 posts · Server social.ourpublicassembly.com

Have you ever noticed how certain politicians seem a little worried when there's an educated electorate?

Well, that's because democracy relies on an informed citizenry, which is why Public Assembly is committed to promoting education and discussion in the civic sphere!

#collectiveaction #socialjustice #environmentalprotection #makeadifference #change #protest #rally #petition #donate #volunteer #contactyourelectedofficials

Last updated 1 year ago

Peter Wight · @PeterW
5 followers · 19 posts · Server social.ourpublicassembly.com

You have a unique opportunity to create a lasting legacy that will shape the future of the world. By putting forth your ideas, you can make a difference and inspire others to do the same. Begin with simple acts of kindness and compassion, and use your voice to spread a message of hope. As you create positive change in individual lives, your ripple effect will extend beyond what you may ever imagine.

#collectiveaction #grassroots #makeadifference #communityfirst #community #communityaction

Last updated 1 year ago

Peter Wight · @PeterW
2 followers · 14 posts · Server social.ourpublicassembly.com
Santiago Sainz :verified: · @SantiagoSainz
669 followers · 813 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Today marks the anniversary of the May 1968 protests in France, a powerful reminder of the impact that collective action can have in bringing about social change. Let's honor the legacy of the protesters and continue to fight for a more just and equitable world. 🌎👩‍🏫🔥

#may68 #socialjustice #collectiveaction #solidarity #togetherwecan #neverforget

Last updated 2 years ago

· @bignose
9 followers · 217 posts · Server theblower.au

Preventing climate catastrophe requires society-scale . To get widespread support, that requires everyone whose life is required to change, must be supported. It requires sustained, meaningful .

The movement knows this, and brought a solid win in :

> The National Net Zero Authority will ensure workers in emissions-intensive industries impacted on the road to net zero will be fully supported with individualised worker transition plans to ensure they experience a fair transition with access to quality, secure and safe jobs in new industries.

> The Authority will also spur new opportunities – particularly in Australia’s energy regions – by creating new jobs, facilitating investment, developing new industries, and supporting place-based economic diversification.

This only happens when we demand it, for everyone who needs it.


#collectiveaction #climatejustice #workerunion #australia #allthesamefight

Last updated 2 years ago

· @bignose
9 followers · 217 posts · Server theblower.au

Preventing climate catastrophe requires society-scale . That means everyone whose life is required to change, must be supported. It requires sustained, meaningful .

The movement knows this, and brought a solid win in :

> The National Net Zero Authority will ensure workers in emissions-intensive industries impacted on the road to net zero will be fully supported with individualised worker transition plans to ensure they experience a fair transition with access to quality, secure and safe jobs in new industries.

> The Authority will also spur new opportunities – particularly in Australia’s energy regions – by creating new jobs, facilitating investment, developing new industries, and supporting place-based economic diversification.

This only happens when we demand it, for everyone who needs it.


#collectiveaction #climatejustice #workerunion #australia #allthesamefight

Last updated 2 years ago

· @bignose
9 followers · 217 posts · Server theblower.au

Preventing climate catastrophe requires society-scale . That means everyone whose life is required to change, must be supported. It required .

The movement knows this, and brought a solid win in :

> The National Net Zero Authority will ensure workers in emissions-intensive industries impacted on the road to net zero will be fully supported with individualised worker transition plans to ensure they experience a fair transition with access to quality, secure and safe jobs in new industries.

> The Authority will also spur new opportunities – particularly in Australia’s energy regions – by creating new jobs, facilitating investment, developing new industries, and supporting place-based economic diversification.

This only happens when we demand it, for everyone who needs it.


#collectiveaction #climatejustice #workerunion #australia #allthesamefight

Last updated 2 years ago

Julia Janiszewski · @juliajaniszewski
149 followers · 178 posts · Server mastodon.green

One of the things that gets missed in the vs debate around and is that my individual actions are pretty much the only things keeping me sane right now. Which feels somewhat important.

#individualaction #collectiveaction #climate #ClimateChange

Last updated 2 years ago

Antonio J. Castro · @antoniojcastro
63 followers · 324 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Very important contribution to thinking!

Grande @MDLopezRod ‼️
RT @MDLopezRod
Thrilled to share our paper that provides a visual tool to support collective action in participatory scenario planning. Read it here: ecologyandsociety.org/vol28/is

Thanks @TURBA_IN3 and @Envision2050 team!


Last updated 2 years ago

Ilan Kelman · @ilankelman
389 followers · 108 posts · Server mastodon.green

Recently published in " and ".

" by groups: solutions for or different players in the same game?"

Luke J. Matthews, Aaron Clark-Ginsberg, Michelle Scobie, Laura E. R. Peters, Unni Gopinathan, Anuszka Mosurska, Katy Davis, Sonja Myhre, Saskia Hirsch, and Eija Meriläinen.

#climate #development #collectiveaction #community #ClimateChange #toco #trinidad #trinidadandtobago #TrinidadTobago #sitka #alaska

Last updated 2 years ago

Fernando Racimo · @FerRacimo
888 followers · 476 posts · Server fediscience.org

A video on my recent talk on - part of the @PeerCommunityIn webinar series - is now available online: youtube.com/watch?v=TzLgGSNq0W

I talk about the rise of commercial publishing via manufactured prestige, its detrimental effects on , the emergence of alternatives, & forms of we can use to take power back, including the campaign: stopelsevier.wordpress.com

#DirectAction #activism #OpenScience #openaccess #stopelsevier #collectiveaction #diamondoa #academia #profiteering #ethicalpublishing

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim @toolbear@ Taylor · @toolbear
219 followers · 2845 posts · Server union.place

One reason companies have such a boner for "Return to Office" is because otherwise we've had a massive successful collective action by saying "No, we'd rather stay home." And they cannot have us having any successes like that lest we get other ideas.

#collectiveaction #rto

Last updated 2 years ago