Global News BC: Capilano University support workers ratify 3-year deal, ending strike #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #CapilanoUniversitystrike #CollectiveAgreement #SUPPORTWORKERSTRIKE #CapilanoUniversity #Capilanostrike #Post-secondary #supportworkers #insideworkers #moveupstrike #Education #JobAction #Politics #Capilano #Ratified #MoveUP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #capilanouniversitystrike #collectiveagreement #supportworkerstrike #capilanouniversity #capilanostrike #post #supportworkers #insideworkers #moveupstrike #education #jobaction #politics #capilano #ratified #moveup
Global News BC: B.C. port strike: Union caucus to meet Friday, reconsider sending deal to members for vote #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #internaitonallongshoreandwarehouseunion #BCMaritimeEmployersAssociation #CollectiveAgreement #ratificaitonvote #B.C.PortStrike #membershipvote #labourdispute #bcportstrike #portstrike #Contract #Economy #Labour #BCMEA #ILWU
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #internaitonallongshoreandwarehouseunion #bcmaritimeemployersassociation #collectiveagreement #ratificaitonvote #b #membershipvote #labourdispute #bcportstrike #portstrike #contract #economy #labour #bcmea #ilwu
Global News BC: Union says deal within reach to end Fraser Valley transit strike #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #fraservalleytransitstrike #CollectiveAgreement #mediatorproposal #labourdispute #transitstrike #FirstTransit #FraserValley #Bargaining #VinceReady #BCTransit #mediator #Economy #cupe561 #Strike #CUPE
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #fraservalleytransitstrike #collectiveagreement #mediatorproposal #labourdispute #transitstrike #firsttransit #fraservalley #Bargaining #vinceready #BCTransit #mediator #economy #cupe561 #strike #cupe
Unions issue strike warning for private social care sectorThe industrial action would affect several private assisted living and daycare providers. #Collectiveagreement #ammattiyhdistykset #työehtosopimukset #ammattiliitot #Socialcare #työelämä #kotimaa #Lakko #lakot
#collectiveagreement #ammattiyhdistykset #tyoehtosopimukset #ammattiliitot #socialcare #tyoelama #kotimaa #lakko #lakot
Global News BC: B.C. paramedics ratify new contract with over 96% support #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #paramedicscollectiveagreement #CollectiveAgreement #BCAmbulanceService #ParamedicsContract #AmbulanceService #ParamedicsUnion #B.c.Healthcare #Healthcare #Paramedics #Ambulance #Politics #Health #BCEHS
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #paramedicscollectiveagreement #collectiveagreement #bcambulanceservice #ParamedicsContract #ambulanceservice #paramedicsunion #b #healthcare #paramedics #ambulance #politics #health #BCEHS
Almost every Friday for 2 years, we in 3F (Denmark’s largest union) have been protesting against a company called It’s a grocery delivering service that hires drivers as “self employed”. Therefore they don’t get holiday money, pension etc. Benefits that most employees get in Denmark. We demand that they sign a collective agreement, and treat them like regular employees #Unionize #CollectiveAgreement
#unionize #collectiveagreement