Indigo Daya · @IndigoDaya
71 followers · 50 posts · Server

I'm imagining a great gathering of survivors around an enormous bonfire.

We each speak of the secret shameful things that burn in us.

And after every single testimony, we call out together "this is not your shame!"

And then we dance and sing and cry together til the sun rises.


#trauma #abuse #survivor #traumasurvivors #shame #solidarity #collectivehealing

Last updated 2 years ago

Maryann · @RevealingLight
147 followers · 330 posts · Server

In the recent Australian election we learned just how wrong the media could beā€¦dominated by theynactively campaigned against the Opposition party. It was terrible to behold. But guess what the people spoke & elected that Opposition Party, decimating govt numbers. In the US, the # & polls did the same thing to the . They were wrong too. is a thing. Believe in your voice.

#collectivehealing #PeoplePower #democraticparty #msm #Murdochracy

Last updated 2 years ago