Follow us for more information of the application of hybrid #CollectiveIntelligence. We will soon announce new scientific results in medical diagnostics and beyond!
Finally, we discuss in what conditions the Hybrid #CollectiveIntelligence proposed within HACID can really shine:
- a large unstructured evidence base
- recurrent cases with diverse features
- a heterogeneous pool of experts
- open-endedness of the possible solutions
In this paper, we outline the concept behind the HACID approach to hybrid #CollectiveIntelligence, and we provide preliminary results for the #MedicalDiagnostics domain. First and foremost, we define the context:
#collectiveintelligence #medicaldiagnostics
"Human alignment, the process of establishing shared understanding among individuals, is crucial for effective collaboration and organization. It is essential for civilizations to flourish."
#freethefuture #digitalsociety #collectiveintelligence
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) is now accepting applications for eight open calls for carrying out scientific research within the large Foundational AI project “Future Artificial Intelligence Research – FAIR".
These also include a post-doc position on hybrid #CollectiveIntelligence. See all details on @LinkedIn:…
Everyone knows that the infamous social media algorithms promote the spread of false and misleading information on the Internet. But could they be engineered to do the opposite?
#freethefuture #digitalsociety #collectiveintelligence
HACID promotes hybrid #CollectiveIntelligence for complex decisions, aggregating solutions proposed by domain experts through advanced reasoning on #KnowledgeGraphs. It can boost accuracy thanks to the combined effort of multiple, independent experts. 3/
#collectiveintelligence #KnowledgeGraphs
Attention = Influence. How can we harness our collective attention for the common good? Check out our latest blog post on Social Protocols.
#CollectiveIntelligence #DigitalSociety #FreeTheFuture
#freethefuture #digitalsociety #collectiveintelligence
Want to help research in #CollectiveIntelligence in medical diagnosis?
Did you face an intriguing medical case?
HACID collaborates with The Human Diagnosis Project (Human Dx, see, and needs your creativity to write medical cases to be used in experiments to understand and improve how physicians collaborate! 🧵
Tired but happy after the project meeting of @hacid_project! Over these two days in Berlin at the @mpib_berlin, we had lots of fruitful discussions and ideas to move forward with the creation of hybrid human-AI #CollectiveIntelligence.
We need a workable system for reputation management that is
- decentralized and transparent in its operation
- robust, and immune to being gamed [see the first item...]
- multidimensional, since people's strengths and weaknesses, and impacts on others, vary with type
- discounts past behavior in favor of more the more recent
I think we have evidence that reputation management works in small groups, villages, families—so the challenge is how to apply our new tools for information management to our new, larger, social groups.
We need to apply new technologies to our new circumstances, to scale up our collective awareness and decision-making to match the exponentially increasing flood of data and connections.
And not by delegating to an independent agency such as an AI, or a 'trusted' leader or organization, or to an electoral system that fails on many of the criteria listed above.
Next, a system for modeling our values, multilayered and fine-grained, with increasing coherence over increasing context of meaning, and increasing scope of consequences…
#ReputationManagement, #CollectiveIntelligence, #CollectiveDecisionmaking, #TechnologyAndSociety #Democracy #Values
#values #democracy #technologyandsociety #collectivedecisionmaking #collectiveintelligence #reputationmanagement
8/ Our results show the life-saving potential of tapping into the #CollectiveIntelligence of the global medical community to reduce diagnostic errors and increase patient safety.
4/ Our approach automates the process of aggregation, leveraging semantic #KnowledgeGraphs, #NaturalLanguageProcessing, and the SNOMED CT medical #ontology overcoming a major hurdle to #CollectiveIntelligence in open-ended medical #diagnostics: to identify the intended diagnosis from unstructured text.
#KnowledgeGraphs #naturallanguageprocessing #ontology #collectiveintelligence #diagnostics
Sabine Hossenfelder
Collective Stupidity -- How Can We Avoid It?
#SabineHossenfelder #bias #cheeseCracker #collective #collectiveIntelligence #collectiveStupidity #complexSystem #communication #deathSpiral #emergence #emergent #herdBehavior #informationCascade #laola #stockMarket #systematicallyBiased #Wikipedia
#sabinehossenfelder #bias #cheesecracker #collective #collectiveintelligence #collectivestupidity #complexsystem #communication #deathspiral #emergence #emergent #herdbehavior #informationcascade #laola #stockmarket #systematicallybiased #wikipedia
We are still #hiring! Multiple research positions within the HACID project are ready to be filled by enthusiastic researchers, any seniority level will be considered, and salary adapted accordingly. Please boost!
#CollectiveIntelligence #MachineLearning #SemanticWeb #KnowledgeGraph #ArtificialIntelligence #InteractionDesign #DataVisualization #NetworkScience #Complexity
#hiring #collectiveintelligence #machinelearning #semanticweb #knowledgegraph #artificialintelligence #interactiondesign #datavisualization #networkscience #complexity
Apollo crew survival depended on the ability of multple teams to collaborate. Collective intelligence enhances problem-solving, but formal structures often limit cooperation.
#CollectiveIntelligence #Collaboration #Humanocracy
#collectiveintelligence #collaboration #humanocracy
10/ Check the project presentation video to know more about the proposed approach. Kudos to all project partners intensely collaborating to bring hybrid #CollectiveIntelligence to life!