And off we go! The first session of our #minisymposium on #IndividualBasedModels is going to start in a few minutes! We will talk about #bumblebees, #Malaria, #parasites, #competition, #DecisionMaking, #CollectiveMovement and a lot more.
Today’s speaker line-up: @JordanChetcuti, Paola Carillo-Bustamante, @senay, @VeraVinken and @iplanass.
Live-toots in the 🧵 below!
#ComputationalEcology #EcologicalModelling #TheoreticalEcology #EcoEvo #YoMos
#minisymposium #IndividualBasedModels #bumblebees #malaria #parasites #competition #decisionmaking #collectivemovement #computationalecology #EcologicalModelling #TheoreticalEcology #ecoevo #yomos
And off we go! The first session of our #minisymposium on #IndividualBasedModels is going to start in a few minutes! We will talk about #bumblebees, #Malaria, #parasites, #competition, #DecisionMaking, #CollectiveMovement and a lot more.
Today’s speaker line-up: @JordanChetcuti, Paola Carillo-Bustamante, @senay, @VeraVinken and @iplanass.
Live-toots in the 🧵 below!
#ComputationalEcology #EcologicalModelling #TheoreticalEcology #EcoEvo #YoMos
#minisymposium #IndividualBasedModels #bumblebees #malaria #parasites #competition #decisionmaking #collectivemovement #computationalecology #EcologicalModelling #TheoreticalEcology #ecoevo #yomos