2023 marks 130 years since the formation of the UK Independent Labour Party. The original object of the ILP was to secure the collective ownership of all the means of production, distribution, and exchange. Working Class Movement Library. https://www.wcml.org.uk/our-collections/object-of-the-month/january-2023-130th-anniversary-of-the-independent-labour-party/ #labourparty #collectiveownership
#labourparty #collectiveownership
Chapter I wrote on 'Mapping Alternative Economies', covers communism, co-ops, community wealth building, public ownership, work, freeganism, and more, now open access here https://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/110030/. Self-promotion doesn't feel quite right here on Mastodon, more a birdsite thing, but I am going for it for a limited period! #alternatives #coops #freeganism #communitywealthbuilding #publicownership #collectiveownership #socialism #communism #work
#alternatives #coops #Freeganism #CommunityWealthBuilding #publicownership #collectiveownership #socialism #communism #work
Other causes close to my heart are:
#collectiveaction #collectiveownership #safespaces #ActLocal #ShareOurLearnings #transparentgovernance #dataprivacy #nolockin #righttorepair #passivehouse #ZeroEnergy #selfhosting #autism #adhd