When we work as groups, sometimes we are much smarter than if we work individually. However, if you've been paying attention to politics lately, you'll know that other times, when we work in group, we are much more stupid.
Sabine Hossenfelder discusses this conundrum and what we can do to avoid collective stupidity.
#CollectiveStupidity #SabineHossenfelder #Science #Psychology #Sociology #Stupidity
#collectivestupidity #sabinehossenfelder #science #psychology #sociology #stupidity
Sabine Hossenfelder
Collective Stupidity -- How Can We Avoid It?
#SabineHossenfelder #bias #cheeseCracker #collective #collectiveIntelligence #collectiveStupidity #complexSystem #communication #deathSpiral #emergence #emergent #herdBehavior #informationCascade #laola #stockMarket #systematicallyBiased #Wikipedia
#sabinehossenfelder #bias #cheesecracker #collective #collectiveintelligence #collectivestupidity #complexsystem #communication #deathspiral #emergence #emergent #herdbehavior #informationcascade #laola #stockmarket #systematicallybiased #wikipedia