Walk the Circle in the Other Direction
✍️ fic by #notevenyou
⭕ #MoDaoZuShi #TheUntamed
⭕ #LanWangji / #WeiWuxian
⭕ 32k, Explicit
⭕ Teen WWX's best friend LWJ is gay
⭕ As a straight ally, WWX is a fierce defender and wingman
:ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21785542
#FicRec #MDZSFicRec #MDZS #WangXianFicRec #WangXian #NSFW #ModernAU #Homophobia #CompHet #QueerAwakening #CollegeAU
#notevenyou #modaozushi #theuntamed #lanwangji #weiwuxian #FicRec #mdzsficrec #mdzs #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #ModernAU #homophobia #comphet #queerawakening #collegeau
The answer has always been yes
✍️ fic by #Magnolia822
❄️ #TheUntamed #MoDaoZuShi
❄️ #LanWangji / #WeiWuxian
❄️ 6k, Explicit
❄️ WY needs a place to stay
❄️ He stays in LZ's dorm room
❄️ Bed-sharing, pining, realisations, explorations
❄️ then boyfriends
:ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35672635
#DecRecs #FicRec #MDZSFicRec #MDZS #WangXianFicRec #WangXian #NSFW #ModernAU #OnlyOneBed #CollegeAU #FriendsToLovers #Pining
#magnolia822 #theuntamed #modaozushi #lanwangji #weiwuxian #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #mdzs #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #ModernAU #onlyonebed #collegeau #friendstolovers #pining
reports of my heterosexuality may have been exaggerated
✍️ fic by #sysrae
👠 #TheUntamed
👠 #LanWangji / #WeiWuxian
👠 8k, Explicit
👠 LWJ the clueless straight boy
👠 Openly gay WY who likes drag
👠 LWJ has a Dramatic Awakening
:ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38781093/chapters/96970713
#DecRecs #FicRec #MDZSFicRec #WangXianFicRec #WangXian #NSFW #ModernAU #CompHet #QueerAwakening #DragPerformers #GettingTogether #DemisexualCharacter #CollegeAU
#sysrae #theuntamed #lanwangji #weiwuxian #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #ModernAU #comphet #queerawakening #dragperformers #gettingtogether #demisexualcharacter #collegeau
#mulder #scully #thexfiles #au #collegeau #fanart #enemiestolovers