There are too many good images to use in this book...KAOS (after some DJs got fired for you -know-what), December 4, 1981. #collegeradio #collegeradiohistory
#collegeradiohistory #CollegeRadio
Okay, I'm officially in the "letting it go" phase of editing. I just need to fix my bibliography and short notes and finalize the illustrations list. But the text is.... done? Titles may change, but the contents seem...okay? #amediting #collegeradiohistory #collegeradio
#CollegeRadio #collegeradiohistory #amediting
Still my favorite note in the whole book. Long live Arm Pit. #punk #hardcore #collegeradio #collegeradiohistory
#collegeradiohistory #CollegeRadio #hardcore #Punk