RT @CollierEM: Never drive or walk through flooded streets. Turn Around Don't Drown! Do not go through flood waters.
#colliercounty #floodsafety #idalia
Reposted from @chasingoz on TikTok. This is *real*: see https://bit.ly/41u4tOF .
A teacher in Manatee Middle School narrated this offensive and inaccurate video, which was shown over TV screens to the entire school
#confederacy #voteblue #colliercounty #manateemiddleschool #shame #lostcause
#lostcause #shame #manateemiddleschool #colliercounty #voteblue #confederacy
10/ 66% of #colliercounty voters thought “HELL YES!This is THE PERFECT guy to make decisions 4 1000s of students in 2022, so long as we oWn tHE LiBs! @MotherJones@twitter.com “he supports 🎥 in classrooms & eliminating “leftist AntiAmerican propaganda from k-12 Ed”🧐
10/ 66% of #colliercounty voters thought “HELL YES!This is THE PERFECT guy to make decisions 4 1000s of students in 2022, so long as we oWn tHE LiBs! @MotherJones@twitter.com “he supports 🎥 in classrooms & eliminating “leftist AntiAmerican propaganda from k-12 Ed”🧐