The #GamberoRosso guide recommends the producer #TerrediLevanto which produces a #CollineDiLevanto DOC and I'm looking forward to taste this as some point. They produce both table wine and DOC. Will try DOC at the first occasion. I'm a big fan of #ColliDiLuni produced in the same province, as far as I understand quality is not as high as that one, but still, will give it a go #italianwine #winelover #winetasting #winegeek
#gamberorosso #terredilevanto #collinedilevanto #collidiluni #italianwine #winelover #winetasting #winegeek
I have used my visit of #Levanto near #CinqueTerre to locate enoteche for a possible evening out at some point. I have never tried local #wine from the #CollinediLevanto DOC area and I'm curious. I've read conflicting opinion of it and not really interested in tasting table wine, I'd like to have the full local experience of tasting grapes actually grown there. Production is limited and this reflects in the price which is not the cheapest and probably the ratio quality/price might not the best
#levanto #cinqueterre #wine #collinedilevanto