If you missed our recent #QNS #Colloquium with Prof. Wilson Ho from #UCIrvine it is now up on our #YouTube channel! Learn about his work on "A Qubit-Based Quantum Microscope for Space-Time Sensing" here:
See you at the next #QNSColloquium!
#qns #colloquium #UCIrvine #youtube #qnscolloquium
We invite you to QNS Colloquium!
In this talk, Nicolas Lorente from @CFMdonostia will present "The Kondo effect as revealed by STM measurements."
Please register in advance: https://qns.science/colloquium/
#colloquium #quantum #quantumscience #nanoscience #kondoeffect #stm
#qnscolloquium #colloquium #quantum #quantumscience #nanoscience #kondoeffect #stm
QNS director Andreas Heinrich gave a colloquium talk at Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC), Spain!
IfiMAColloquium talk: https://www.ifimac.uam.es/.../andreas-j-heinrich-towards.../
QNS is striving to learn from each other across the world.
You like to learn more about quantum physics? Check out QNS Colloquium: https://qns.science/colloquium/
#quantumscience #quantum #science #colloquium #quantumcomputing
#quantumscience #quantum #science #colloquium #quantumcomputing
Am 7. Februar (18-20 Uhr) dürfen wir Katharina Zimmermann (Universität #Tübingen) im #Colloquium zur #Zeitgeschichte des Christentums an der #UniErfurt begrüßen. Sie wird sprechen über: „Geschlecht, Körper, Sexualität im DDR-Katholizismus der 1960er und frühen 70er Jahre oder: Warum man keinen Minirock tragen darf?“
Alle Interessierten sind herzlich in das Internationale #Begegnungszentrum in #Erfurt eingeladen!
#tubingen #colloquium #zeitgeschichte #unierfurt #Begegnungszentrum #erfurt
Hey academic people, how do you generate PDF attestation based on forms for colloquium or symposium?
#lazyweb #attestation #colloquium
#NationalMedicalAssociation Colloquium on African American health March 25-27, 2023 in Washington DC. Www.colloquium.Nmanet.org. Registration will be opening in the near future. #Colloquium #BlackHealth #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi
#nationalmedicalassociation #colloquium #BlackHealth #blackmastodon #BlackFedi
Looking forward to joining everyone at
ASU College Of Law next February to present at the faculty #colloquium series! Super honored to be included with a great group of scholars. #law #lawfedi #LawProfs @law https://law.asu.edu/faculty/colloquiums
#colloquium #law #lawfedi #lawprofs
Looking forward to my #cognition #colloquium this Thursday at University of Windsor. And it sounds like an interesting topic: “Six Different Ways to Carve Nature at its Joints”.
Very happy because it is being organized in my research centre CIC IPN the third #colloquium on #quantum #computing, where talks on #quantum #computing will be given online for all Spanish speakers, this is an event that I want to share with you, when does it happen? On November 28 at 10:00 UTC-6.
#colloquium #quantum #computing
Referenced link: https://scads.ai/events/scads-ai-public-colloquium-session/
Originally posted by ScaDS.AI / @Sca_DS@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/Sca_DS/status/1586326999387324416#m
We look back at the successful kickoff of our first @Sca_DS public colloquium session on October 19th organized by @sayanmukher with @CuturiMarco, and Prof. Arnaud Doucet. #AI #Statistics #colloquium
👉 Find out more: https://scads.ai/events/scads-ai-public-colloquium-session/
Referenced link: https://scads.ai/events/scads-ai-public-colloquium-session/
Originally posted by ScaDS.AI / @Sca_DS@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/Sca_DS/status/1581978337102159873#m
Two days to go for our public colloquium session on Oct 19, 2022 at 13:00-15:00 with @CuturiMarco, ENSAE & Apple, Paris, France and Arnaud Doucet, University of Oxford, UK.
👉 Find out more:https://scads.ai/events/scads-ai-public-colloquium-session/…
Referenced link: https://scads.ai/events/scads-ai-public-colloquium-session/
Originally posted by ScaDS.AI / @Sca_DS@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/Sca_DS/status/1579441617349451776#m
Join our http://ScaDS.AI public colloquium session on Wednesday, Oct 19, 2022 at 13:00-15:00 @UniLeipzig with Prof. Marco Cuturi @CuturiMarco and Prof. Arnaud Doucet.
More Information: https://scads.ai/events/scads-ai-public-colloquium-session/