#koln #dom #ehrenfeld #StreetPhotography #streetart #cologne
Some more “#medieval fun” at the Wallraf-Richartz #Museum in #Cologne 😅
#medieval #museum #cologne #medievalart
“#Medieval fun”, seen in the Wallraf-Richartz #Museum in #Cologne.
#medieval #museum #cologne #medievalart
#Cologne on a #Saturday afternoon.
#Severinstorburg #Chlodwigplatz
#cologne #saturday #severinstorburg #chlodwigplatz
Wohlstandskinder — Sechs Milliarden und Ich
#cologne #overath #covid19 #Die90erSindZumRecyclenDa
#cologne #overath #covid19 #die90ersindzumrecyclenda
People called it "Old Man Spice", but when I was single it worked 80% of the time.
Some girls absolutely hated it, but many found that it reminded them of their fathers or grandfathers, and next thing I knew, we were making out in the back booth at Denny's.
I still wear it on rare occasions just to piss people off.
#AfterShave #cologne #scent
Am vergangenen Wochenende fand das Europäische #Literaturfestival #Köln-#Kalk statt. Mein Bekannter, Mátyás #Dunajcsik, queerer Dichter aus #Ungarn, hat aus seinem neuesten Buch „Verlorene Gedichte“ gelesen.
Lest euch die Rückseite des Buchcovers durch und lasst euch verführen von Gedichten, die ihr so wahrscheinlich noch nicht gelesen habt!
Das Buch ist bei der #parasitenpresse (Köln) erschienen. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
#Cologne #ThisIsCologne #Poesie #Poet #queer #Literatur #Lesetipp #Leseempfehlung #ELK
#Literaturfestival #koln #kalk #dunajcsik #ungarn #parasitenpresse #cologne #thisiscologne #Poesie #poet #queer #literatur #lesetipp #leseempfehlung #elk
A day in #Cologne: some shopping and of course some #geocaching
#kolnerdom #colognecathedral #earthcache #virtualcache #geocaching #cologne
Last week seen at the #Museum of #EastAsian #Art #Cologne: Wooden statues of:
#Raijin (雷神) is a god of lightning, thunder and storms in #Japanese #mythology and #Shintō. Embodies the power and unpredictability of nature, frequently paired with #Fūjin, the god of wind.
#Karura (迦楼羅) is a divine creature with human torso and birdlike head in Japanese #Hindu-#Buddhist epics. Represents protection from malevolent spirits, symbolizes victory of knowledge over ignorance and good over evil.
#museum #eastasian #art #cologne #raijin #japanese #mythology #shinto #fujin #karura #hindu #buddhist
Danke liebe Ami.
Schön dass du hier bist und soviele tolle Bilder mit uns teilst!
#Mastodon #Fediverse #SweetsNini #Cologne #Streetart #Art #Mastoart #Tile #UrbanArt #Danke #GreatHere #Mastodoner #DasMussDochMalGesagtWerden
#dasmussdochmalgesagtwerden #mastodoner #greathere #danke #urbanart #tile #mastoart #art #streetart #cologne #sweetsnini #fediverse #mastodon
Check out this video of me & @dunia playing "Cool and Dry" at the #FreedomSounds Festival in #Cologne last month. Great videography & sound quality, and the performance ain't bad either. I think it might be the best thing we've got on YouTube now. #reggae #soul #ska #LiveMusic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8PB-jeVxek
#freedomsounds #cologne #reggae #soul #ska #livemusic
OK ... I just received a review on my #sexworker profile from someone I have never met.
Absolutely great profile. It's a shame that he doesn't receive visitors. He seems to be the pro for forced milking."
Well, thank you unknown person. Getting such a feedback is always nice.
#sexworker #sexwork #forcedmilking #bdsm #koln #cologne
🚨 Job alert 🚨
Exciting #PhD opportunity in #Cologne! Become a Doctoral Researcher in Reproducible Research 📊 with Team Transparent Social Analytics. Dive into #ReproducibleResearch in #DataScience & #SocialScience with #rstats and #jupyter 🚀
Details & apply: https://www.hidden-professionals.de/HPv3.Jobs/gesis/stellenangebot/33824/Doctoral-Researcher-for-Reproducible-Research @GESIS @NFDI4DS
#jupyter #rstats #socialscience #datascience #ReproducibleResearch #cologne #phd
In Germany the "Pretty Patties" from #Spongebob are called "Bunte Burger"...
There's a #vegan #burger place nearby that's called #BunteBurger and they now sell their patties online!
#spongebob #vegan #burger #bunteburger #cologne