IHC · @IHChistory
299 followers · 460 posts · Server masto.pt

📖 O nº 243 da Análise Social inclui três recensões da autoria dos investigadores do IHC Elisa Lopes da Silva, Aurora Almada e Santos e Pedro Aires Oliveira, que analisam obras de Bárbara Direito, Catarina Laranjeiro e Valentim Alexandre, respectivamente.

🔓 Podem ser lidas, em , aqui: revistas.rcaap.pt/analisesocia

🇲🇿 🇬🇼 🇦🇴

#acessoaberto #histodons #bookreviews #colonialism #filmstudies #colonialWars #mozambique #guineabissau #angola #openaccess

Last updated 1 year ago

Mwinyele · @moringaottawa
24 followers · 53 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

Evolutionary : “Race is a social cultural construct. It has no bearings in science”


# #1923 #1883 #6666 nj.com/news/2019/05/these-300-

#geneticist #folktaxonomy #sheilanightingale #ninajablonski #Paleobiology #paleobiologist #humandiversity #humanevolution #RacialIdentity #culture #culturalstudies #folklore #mythical #manmade #productofimagination #mansmind #inthemind #imagination #learnedbehaviour #learnedbehavior #taxonomy #anthropologist #anthropologists #anthropology #evolutionarygenetics #evolutionarygeneticist #crt #vikings #animamundi #hominim #hominid #ancestor #dna #geneticplasticity #multicultural #panacea #species #familytree #evolution #eastafrica #plato #animus #superiorrace #eugenecist #eugenics #myths #tropes #archetypes #jungian #carljung #commonancestor #melanin #christian #christianity #biblical #fundamentalism #flds #underthebannerodheaven #exmormons #criticalracetheory #missionary #DivideAndConquer #Skincolour #skincolor #poc #bipoc #ibpoc #dei #belonging #collectivesoul #calling #unity #bible #monotheism #usa #unitedstatesofamerica #unlearningwhitesupremacy #relearning #untold #aboriginalauthors #firstnationsauthors #firstnations #amerindians #indigenousauthors #indigenousstories #indigenous #residentialschools #indigenousscholars #indigenousprofessors #retelling #americanhistory #europeanhistory #commonwealth #colonization #decolonizeyourmind #decoloniseeconomics #decolonization #colonisationdelimaginaire #colonialWars #britishhistory #spanishhistory #espagne #histoiredufrance #histoirefrancais #france #frenchcolonialism #frenchcolony #britishcolony #englishcolony #historyofengland #westerncivilization #westernphilosopy #JomoKenyatta #christianmissionaries #christianmissionary #panafricanist #panafricanism #KWAMENKRUMAH #saviourism #saviourist #whitesaviour #WhiteSavior #saviorism #saviorist #racialsuperiority #africantribes #whitejesus #blackjesus #massslavery #anglosaxon #whiteanglosaxon #anglosaxonhistory #aksumite #ethiopianhistory #staugustus #Septuagint #apollos #symonofcyrene #marktheapostle #slaveboat #slavemaster #indoctrination #extremism #religiousdogma #dogmatic #dogma #separationofchurchandstate #patriarchy #patriarchal #dispellingpatriarchy #dissectingpatriarchy #paganism #pagan #savage #barbaric #precolonial #jeffoganga #easternafrica #darkages #africandarkages #Slavetrade #slaveship #IndenturedLabour #forcedlabour #slavery #slaves #religiousdoctrine #religion #protestant #protestantism #grecoroman #hierarchical #socialhierarchy #culturalhierarchy #racialhierarchy #orthodox #westernchristianity #civilwar #yellowstone #christianmissions #nuns #aminahnieves #jennifertehle #indianschool #reservations #catholicism #catholicschool #catholicnuns #nunteachers #convents #sexualabuse #abuseinterrupted #abuseinconvents #veilofsilence #globalsistersreport #catholicorphanage #sexpredators #metoo #abuseinthechurch #clericalabuse #nunabuse #indianschools #epstein #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #GhislaineMaxwell

Last updated 2 years ago

IHC · @IHChistory
244 followers · 216 posts · Server masto.pt

📺 50 anos depois do massacre, a RTP regressou a Wiriyamu para ouvir os sobreviventes.

Falou também com Pedro Aires Oliveira acerca, entre outros aspectos, do envolvimento da igreja católica estrangeira na denúncia internacional do massacre de Wiriyamu e as consequências internacionais para o regime ditatorial português.


#wiriyamu #colonialism #colonialWars

Last updated 2 years ago

IHC · @IHChistory
240 followers · 212 posts · Server masto.pt

📺 Ainda sobre o massacre de Wiriyamu, onde se estima que meio milhar de civis moçambicanos terão sido mortos por militares portugueses: Aurora Almada e Santos foi convidada da RTP Africa no programa especial "Vozes de Wiriyamu".


#wiriyamu #colonialism #colonialWars

Last updated 2 years ago

IHC · @IHChistory
238 followers · 206 posts · Server masto.pt

📰 Invocando o aniversário do Massacre de Wiriyamu (16 de Dezembro de 1972), Pedro Aires Oliveira escreveu uma crónica no @Publico sobre a cobertura do The Times um ano depois da atrocidade praticada pelas forças portuguesas em Moçambique.


#wiriyamu #PoliticalHistory #colonialism #colonialWars #mozambique

Last updated 2 years ago

kilombavita · @kilombavita
208 followers · 539 posts · Server rage.love

When the world has an oil over-supply we are pretty sure, its time to go to and and continue the . Not.

Have the US backed the f&*£ away from Venezuela yet?

Last we heard (2 weeks ago) the aggressive third-world country had doubled the military presence around the democratically-led country and had a $15M pricetag on Maduro.

Cos drugz.

#venezuela #china #colonialWars

Last updated 5 years ago