"The mechanism by which Algerian indigenous communities are excluded from the state, are excluded from capital accumulation, is through the marker of Islam as a legal category [..] In order to become a French citizen one had to renounce Islamic civil laws."

discusses her book : Islam and in

#muriamhalehdavis #marketsofcivilization #racialcapitalism #algeria #colonialalgeria #colonialism #frenchcolonialism #maghreb #settlercolonialism #books #jadaliyya

Last updated 1 year ago

"[A] book talk with about her new book, : Islam and in [..] She will address how the framework of racial capitalism might be expanded to reflect on the history of the in , as well as the porous boundaries between race and religion in colonial (and post-colonial) Algeria."


#muriamhalehdavis #marketsofcivilization #racialcapitalism #algeria #frenchempire #northafrica #colonialalgeria #colonialism #frenchcolonialism #maghreb #settlercolonialism #books #jadaliyya

Last updated 1 year ago