The Art Gallery of South Australia has lately put online a few more artworks by colonial artist George French Angas.
"Extinct Crater, Mount Gambier, 6th May 1844" is one I'd written about (from a book image in B&W). Seeing it in colour supports my contention that "Blue Lake" is by Gill not Angas (and it is not Blue Lake).
Article (with 8+ pictures) | The Mount Gambier pictures of Gill and Angas (and von Guerard) |
#AGSAAdelaide #MountGambier #ArtHistory #ColonialArt #S_T_Gill #1840s #ArtHistoryAU #ColonialArtAU
#agsaadelaide #mountgambier #arthistory #colonialart #s_t_gill #1840s #arthistoryau #colonialartau
Seven years into my study of Australian colonial artist S T Gill, I've been getting more frequent enquiries about works for sale. I'd responded up till now but now felt I needed to set a better boundary.
I'm a retired systems designer. My motivation for the Gill project is to contribute to knowledge commons and the public good – hence the near exclusive focus on works held by public collecting institutions. This keeps me busy enough. (Web site now updated to that effect.)
As it's the first day of the month, here's Gill's "August":'s_The_Seasons_and_The_Months.htm#133
#citizenhumanities #colonialart #s_t_gill #colonialartau
"Grit & Gold" exhibition at NLA has this 1880 painting of kangaroo hunting Its familiarity took me by surprise. It's clearly based on George French Angas's 1847 print, which in turn seems based on the original art of Samuel Thomas Gill.
My analysis:
#ColonialArtAU #S_T_Gill
Murray River crayfish are in the news today.
Known as eukodko / ukodko Aboriginal women would catch them in Murray floodwaters by walking together in a close line.
Documented by E.J. Eyre, sketched by George Hamilton and painted 1844-45 by S.T. Gill.
See my Gill project (read, view pictures):,_E_J_Eyre,_Symmetry_1844.htm#45
#S_T_Gill #AboriginalCulture #MurrayRiver #RiverMurray #SouthAustralia #ColonialArtAU
#s_t_gill #aboriginalculture #murrayriver #rivermurray #southaustralia #colonialartau
Unexpectedly came across 1860 photos of Burke and Wills expedition and camels (and drivers) in Royal Park #Melbourne before departure. Photos and sketches are in an album of colonial artist William Strutt.
View online at via #StateLibraryNSW
#WilliamStrutt #ColonialArtAU #1860 #EarlyPhotography #BurkeAndWills #HistoryAU
#melbourne #statelibrarynsw #williamstrutt #colonialartau #earlyphotography #burkeandwills #historyau