Introduction. I am an Academy Professor in #IberianStudies at The Ohio State University. My field of specialization is #EarlyModern #Spain, however my research has intrinsic links to #ColonialLatinAmerica. First book _Myth and Identity in the Epic of Imperial Spain_ (U Missouri P). Current book project on early modern #Atlantic crossings and other #maritime themes. A recent publication titled "Time of Catastrophe: Temporalities in the Transatlantic RelaciĆ³n of Diego Portichuelo de Ribadeneyra" appeared in _The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Early Modern Spanish Literature and Culture_. I'm a mom, a member of #MomsDemandAction, and a climate warrior.
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While you're here, check out , an open access collection of teaching units for premodern Iberia and Latin America #hispanista #hispanist #medievalista #colonialista #earlymoderniberia #medievaliberia #coloniallatinamerica
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#Introduction. I am a professor and scholar of #earlymodern #Iberia whose research also includes topics intrinsically related to #ColonialLatinAmerica. Most recent publication "Time of Catastrophe: Temporalities in the #Transatlantic RelaciĆ³n of Diego Portichuelo de Ribadeneyra" appeared in the Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Early Modern Spanish Literature and Culture. Current research focus: early modern #Navigation and the #Sea. Mom, #MomsDemand member, #ClimateChange warrior.
#Introduction #ClimateChange #momsdemand #sea #navigation #transatlantic #coloniallatinamerica #Iberia #earlymodern