BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
155 followers · 649 posts · Server

Generation restore is collecting seeds to heal the land
Indigenous young people are restoring environment ravaged for generations.

"Generations of land clearing since colonisation has put an ancient ecosystem in southern New South Wales in danger. The ultimate goal is to create an environment suitable for native pines that have been over-harvested. Native trees such as the cypress pine were once prolific in the woodland, but were historically used for homesteads and fencing, which resulted in generations of clearing."

#generationrestoration #ecosystems #nsw #indigenouspeoples #coloniallegacies #degradation #landclearing #grazing #erosion

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
117 followers · 569 posts · Server

Indigenous relationality or a world of mere stuff?

Justice, culture, and relationships: Australian Indigenous prescription for planetary health - Matthews et al

"In Australia, the oldest surviving cultures have adapted their ecological knowledge over millennia and across climatic ages. However, European colonization has severely curtailed Indigenous peoples’ ability to adjust to climate change."

"Colonization, capitalism, and climate change all reflect the continued dominance of Western individualistic (“egocentric”) philosophies that place humans above and separate from their environment, commodifying and exploiting the environment for power and profits. By contrast, the collectivistic (“ecocentric”) Indigenous cultures focus on deep, holistic connections to the environment in which valuable knowledge systems have developed from careful custodianship through which ecosystems flourished over millennia."

#coloniallegacies #extractivism #logging #restorativejustice #climate #climateadaption #mitigation #voice #indigenousrelationality #indigenousknowledge #environment #care

Last updated 1 year ago