Explained: The new Parliament building features remarkable artwork and a ceremonial sceptre called 'Sengol,' among other notable elements
#OldParliamentBuildingReminded #ColonialPast.
#oldparliamentbuildingreminded #colonialpast
Listening to Webchat with Dr Caroline Dodds Pennock - Aztec historian, who wrote the book On Savage Shores: How Indigenous Americans Discovered Europe.
#colonialpast #indigenouspeoples #Aztec #Azteken #conquista
"With the Covid riots, what is under dispute is not freedom but the kind of freedom that should be upheld: freedom to live or freedom to produce under the logic of capitalism. When these two interpretations of freedom collide, the logic of capitalism is made to prevail through violence. This becomes even more evident in the perception of care as a form of forced feminisation. The patriarchal order will sacrifice its own children, if need be, in order to maintain the existing structures of power. The Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, is not merely neglecting his duties of care. He is, in fact, exemplifying another trait of this foundational national identity: true men do not care who lives or dies, true men do whatever it takes to keep the engines of the capitalist order well oiled."
#capitalism #covid #eugenics #elderly #children #whiteness #NationalIdentity
#nationalism #Netherlands #freedom #ColonialPast
#capitalism #covid #eugenics #elderly #children #whiteness #nationalidentity #nationalism #netherlands #freedom #colonialpast
Decolonizing Colonial Heritage
New Agendas, Actors and Practices in and beyond Europe
Edited ByBritta Timm Knudsen, John Oldfield, Elizabeth Buettner, Elvan Zabunyan (2021)
#Museum #CulturalHeritage #Heritage #OpenAccess #ColonialPast #ImperialNostalgia
#museum #culturalheritage #heritage #openaccess #colonialpast #imperialnostalgia