woodrat :sfgiantshat: · @woodrat
14 followers · 344 posts · Server sfba.social

At the beginning of the , the unravel

et al

#anthropocene #colonies #france

Last updated 1 year ago

POUJOL-ROST Mathias ✅ · @poujolrost
306 followers · 11086 posts · Server mstdn.jp

low 2022 sea ice led to catastrophic failure of emperor - Communications & Environment


> Four out of five in the Sea, Antarctica experienced breeding in spring 2022 due to unprecedented sea loss, according to an of over 2018–2022.

#images #satellite #analysis #ice #failure #bellingshausen #colonies #penguin #emperor #earth #penguins #breeding #antarctic #record

Last updated 1 year ago

Oh oh, when the loses its , that smells like . Fortunately, the armament stockpiles are empty. Arming .n countries to attack is difficult.

#west #colonies #war #africa #niger

Last updated 1 year ago

Boris Tefsen · @boristefsen
25 followers · 81 posts · Server mas.to

of hydrocarbonoxydans (left) and P. petreophila (right)

#microbiology #pseudonocardia #colonies

Last updated 1 year ago

Kriszta Satori · @fulelo
5126 followers · 4405 posts · Server journa.host

'A government document obtained by The Associated Press dating to January outlined plans to create 25 new and six other centres in occupied by 2026.'
'Vladimir signed a decree in May allowing to send people from territories with law, which includes all of , to those without, such as Russia'

#russian #prison #colonies #detention #ukraine #putin #russia #martial #occupied

Last updated 1 year ago

Ibnussabel :unverified: · @Ibnussabel
324 followers · 1377 posts · Server frikiverse.zone

Pregunta per a gent catalana de 40 cap amunt. Pot ser que el tema i fos molt més assequible per a totes les butxaques quan érem nanos que ara que ens toca fer de pares? O és una d'aquelles coses que amb el temps es desdibuixa a la memòria i ha estat sempre car?

#esplai #colonies

Last updated 1 year ago

Adora · @adoramyers
36 followers · 145 posts · Server fulda.social

There is so much to unpack in this one paragraph: "From the town on the fringe of the capital’s high-rise business district, with its , glaring , and melting-pot mix of races and cultural influences imported from France’s former , the flames of fury quickly spread."


#french #disadvantaged #housingprojects #wealthgaps #colonies #france #protests #SocialJustice

Last updated 1 year ago

Tales from the

Imagine, you address a topic of WWII by a and you don't mention a single time.

What would you think?

Now, imagine, that the wine museum of , goes through the history of monocultural distribution of a single plant, an obvious act of imperialism, not even indicating a single victim of the 100s of Millions murdered people in the .

even sounds cute in the 7th best Museum of the world. And like a respectful profession.

What about we call the SS employees of a Securistas and the hunt on Jews behind the frontline we call: (, literally enlightenment work) for the ordinary people.

The wine museum of Bordeaux nicely demonstrates, that you can have a racist system without a single racist inside. For sure, the museum just tries to establish a shopping athmosphere.

, ,

#whitewhitewest #museum #holocaust #bordeaux #colonies #missionairing #conquadestadore #concentrationcamp #aufklarungsarbeit #awarenesstraining #racism #colonialism #france

Last updated 1 year ago

Tales from the

Imagine, you address a topic of WWII by a and you don't mention a single time.

What would you think?

Now, imagine, that the wine museum of , goes through the history of monocultural distribution of a single plant, an obvious act of imperialism, not even indicating a single victim of the 100s of Millions murdered people in the .

even sounds cute in the 7th best Museum of the world. And like a respectful profession.

What about we call the SS employees of a Securistas and the hunt on Jews behind the frontline we call: (, literally enlightenment work) for the ordinary people.

The wine museum of Bordeaux nicely demonstrates, that you can have a racist system without a single racist inside. For sure, the museum just tries to establish a shopping athmosphere.

, ,

#whitewhitewest #museum #holocaust #bordeaux #colonies #missionairing #conquadestadore #concentrationcamp #aufklarungsarbeit #awarenesstraining #racism #colonialism #france

Last updated 1 year ago

Mimo :quebec: · @mimoblog
290 followers · 77 posts · Server piaille.fr

It's crownment day for Chukka and his bedmate Creamilla.

I heard some pommie bastards being "interviewed" by ABC along Pak this morning. Silly beast had been camping for 2 days to ensure she got a lovely close up on her camera phone of post-crowning Charlie.

She felt quite surreal. She was hoping that after getting a picture of herself with the CCs as we'll call Chukka and Creamilla that it would become real.

In that moment I realised I needed to find something else on telly tonight because the planned coverage is designed for stupid cunts.

So if anyone has any suggestions, because the alternative is I will need to call my dentist Nigel and ask if he will please remove all my teeth with the benefit of anaesthesia.

Also, can I point out that "anaesthesia" as a word, is quite fucked and should be left aside in favour of the word "smacked on the mouth really hard".

All those in favour say 👁️. Those against say neigh.

The 👀 have it.

So help me doG.

#charlie #mall #coronation #crown #invasion #colonies

Last updated 2 years ago

Deborah Lee-Talbot · @DLeeTalbot
946 followers · 868 posts · Server ausglam.space

Is it a book cover? A postcard? A colonial report? No! This scene of women is an excerpt from a celebratory menu regarding the Federation of Australia in 1901. You can read more about its value and materials at www.colourfulhistories.com

#archive #travelarchive #colonies #colonialism #australia #pacific #PacificIslands #newzealand #library #history #women #missedinhistory #foodie #Menu

Last updated 2 years ago

GMI · @gmi
16 followers · 303 posts · Server framapiaf.org

À bas l’opération policière contre les migrants, réfugiés et précaires à Mayotte !
Une opération d’envergure avait été préparée dans le secret, mais elle a été révélée le 22 février par le Canard enchainé. Il a fallu toutefois au gouvernement attendre d’être sorti d’affaire sur les retraites pour

#police #operationwambushu #migrants #mayotte #comores #colonies

Last updated 2 years ago

Recriweb · @Recriweb
22 followers · 73 posts · Server piaille.fr
Julien M. · @julm
550 followers · 5365 posts · Server framapiaf.org

> Les derniers pourront toucher le dans leur pays d’origine
> Nés dans les anciennes françaises en et enrôlés dans l’ française, ces vétérans étaient jusqu’ici obligés de vivre au moins six mois de l’année en pour percevoir leur minimum vieillesse. Une vingtaine de cas ont été recensés.

#france #armee #afrique #colonies #minimumvieillesse #tirailleurssenegalais #colonialisme #histoire

Last updated 2 years ago

Julien M. · @julm
550 followers · 5363 posts · Server framapiaf.org

> Les derniers pourront toucher le dans leur pays d’origine
> Nés dans les anciennes françaises en et enrôlés dans l’ française, ces vétérans étaient jusqu’ici obligés de vivre au moins six mois de l’année en pour percevoir leur minimum vieillesse. Une vingtaine de cas ont été recensés.

#france #armee #afrique #colonies #minimumvieillesse #tirailleurssenegalais #colonialisme #histoire

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Lewis · @aurigator
50 followers · 14 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

In the eighty years between 1788 and 1868, some 162,000 were embarked on and to the to serve their sentences. The 337-ton sailed from the port of on 8th January 1835 bound for with 153 of the crown. Joining them were 55 . When the Neva struck a in Bass Strait, some 150 .


#convicts #transport #ships #banished #colonies #barque #Neva #irish #cork #sydney #female #prisoners #children #reef #souls #perished #australia #history #shipwreck #nsw #ireland #maritime #disaster

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Lewis · @mark
30 followers · 29 posts · Server aurigator.net

In the eighty years between 1788 and 1868, some 162,000 were embarked on and to the to serve their sentences. The 337-ton sailed from the port of on 8th January 1835 bound for with 153 of the crown. Joining them were 55 . When the Neva struck a in Bass Strait, some 150 .


#convicts #transport #ships #banished #colonies #barque #neva #irish #cork #sydney #female #prisoners #children #reef #souls #perished #australia #history #shipwreck #nsw #ireland #maritime #disaster

Last updated 2 years ago

Gérald SERAI · @geraldserai
15 followers · 1762 posts · Server mastodon.iriseden.eu
· @TheotimeColin
109 followers · 14 posts · Server ecoevo.social

We just published our article on modelling the daily weight variations of in @PLOS Computational Biology to help estimate the population of forager from the changes in weight.


#honeybee #colonies #bees #hive #beekeeping #science #research #biology #modelling

Last updated 2 years ago