Had another sleepless night, but that was the heat more than anything else. It feels like I’ve got trapped wind, but that’s an expected side effect of being inflated with CO2. Passed a small amount of blood from the polyp that was removed but nothing since. Expecting a follow up call from the hospital this morning.
Prep all complete, now showered and ready to set off to the hospital. Stomach still feels gurgly but otherwise has settled down.
Last glass finished. This is definitely easier than the first dose - not feeling as bloated and uncomfortable.
This dose seems to be working more quickly, although that could be the black coffee that I had when I woke up. Onto the third glass now.
Glass one drunk. Onto glass 2. Maybe one of those little umbrellas would help?
Not really feeling hungry as stomach is full of this gloopy prep. Weighed myself this morning and had dropped nearly a kilo 🤔
Managed some sleep, but was awake from 4:00 with the warm weather. Just about to start the second jug of Moviprep. Drinking it with some ice in the glass and a straw, and pretending it’s a breakfast margarita
Think it’s finished - going to try to get some sleep now.
Final glass down. Having a boiled sweet to take the taste away. Feeling very bloated with griping pains down below
Third glass down. Having an ice cube in the glass seems to help.
Second glass down. Feeling a bit bloated and bleugh.
First glass of Moviprep done. Watching Ahsoka on my iPad and just about to start on the next one
Started on the Moviprep. Sipping cautiously through a straw. It tastes lemony and salty, with a weird gloopy constituency.
I have a Kindle, iPad and phone charged up, and moist toilet wipes on standby
Posting this, just for a record of the experience over the next day or so. Just had a bowl of plain rice which is the last food I’m allowed until tomorrow evening. Read through all of the documents from the hospital and signed the consent form.
Had a sleepless night last night, so just about to have a snooze.
For those who are missing out on the experience, the worst part is the prep. The actual procedure is painless and uneventful. Listen to Chop, it may save your life.
Go get a colonoscopy. Don't wait until 50 like they suggest. James was 40. #colonoscopy #TAB
Good morning world.
How are you all doing?
I'm feeling like I've got flu - you know, that aching joints and heavy feeling.
I'm guessing it's the aftershocks from the #colonoscopy and my body reminding me it's not as resilient as it once was (if it ever was).
I've taken a couple of paracetamol which might have helped a little.
A visit to the #Petanque club is feeling marginal at the moment - I'll see how I feel after some breakfast.
All done!
Now treating ourselves to McDonald's food.
It's what I really, really wanted in the night - don't judge me!
The #colonoscopy found one boring looking polyp which has been sent to #histopathlogy for their ruminations.
(First time with a McPlant burger - I'd definitely have another)
All done!
Now treating ourselves to McDonald's food.
It's what I really, really wanted in the night - don't judge me!
The #colonoscopy found one boring looking polyp which has been sent to #histopathlogy for their ruminations.