19 listopada w Colorado Springs (USA) doszło do tragedii w klubie środowiska LGBT+ zwanym „Club Q”. 22 letni Anderson Lee Aldrich wszedł do budynku i zaczął strzelać z karabinu do osób będących w środku. W wyniku tego morderczego ataku zginęło 5 osób, a dalsze 17 zostało rannych.
Więcej informacji w naszym artykule:
#lgbtq #clubq #coloradospring #161crew
A link to the filings where the shooter claims to be non-binary (courtesy of @esqueer )
#trans #transrights #queer #queerrights #lgbt #lgbtq #colorado #clubq #coloradospring #News
#trans #transrights #queer #queerrights #lgbt #lgbtq #colorado #clubq #coloradospring #News
The Club Q shooter has declared that they are non-binary in their court documentation.
Being non-binary does not exempt you from murder, nor does it mean your actions were not motivated by hate of the queer community.
#trans #transrights #queer #queerrights #lgbt #lgbtq #colorado #clubq #coloradospring #News
#trans #transrights #queer #queerrights #lgbt #lgbtq #colorado #clubq #coloradospring #News
Spoke with the #CBC today about the threats emanating from online hate against the #LGBTQ plus community. With the attack in #ColoradoSpring many are asking how online messaging affects real life security. In my view, there is a direct link. It becomes a question of #nationalsecurity when the harm is amplified by state actors and aims to fray social cohesion. #Ottawa #Canada
#canada #ottawa #nationalsecurity #coloradospring #LGBTQ #cbc
Are you fucking serious #coloradospring
another shooting and is another conspiracy against the LGBTQ+
I am getting sick and tired of all of these shootings, but this one is very different. This one is very personal because this is what Donald Trump and Rob DeSantis want.
they want murder, take away your right to be yourself and chaos in the world
if you're a LGBTQ+
stay arm and protect yourself
Fuck the MEGA fuckers
My heart is breaking for the victims of the Colorado Springs shooting and their families... and for the whole of the LGBTQIA+ community. And on Trans Day of Remembrance, no less...
Stick together and support each other, everyone. :trans_heart:
#coloradospring #transdayofremembrance #clubq
Spero che nessuno pensi che le sparatorie terroristiche contro i locali lgbtiq+ non riguardino l'Europa visto che, nell'indifferenza dei paesi occidentali, un mese fa la stessa cosa è successa a Bratislava #lgbt #lgbtiq #coloradospring #bratislava #terrorism #massshooting
#massshooting #terrorism #bratislava #coloradospring #lgbtiq #lgbt