some impressions of #tiznit.
we visited the city and the silver-souk where almost all ateliers and shops where closed because it was sunday, we met hugo, a cyclist from belgium and fixed a flat tire...
The trees around here have been very slow in dropping their leaves. These four I picked up, because the colors are just soooo gorgeous!
#color #colorlove #autumnleaves #leavesonlyleaves #autumnmood
#color #colorlove #autumnleaves #leavesonlyleaves #autumnmood
The trees around here have been very slow in dropping their leaves. These four I picked up, because the colors are just soooo gorgeous!
#color #colorlove #autumnleaves #leavesonlyleaves #autumnmood
#color #colorlove #autumnleaves #leavesonlyleaves #autumnmood