Color Maps Browser in @LabPlot contains multiple well-researched color schemes (maps).
#LabPlot #OpenSource #DataViz #ColorMaps #ColorSchemes #ColorBrewer #ColorCET #cmocean #Viridis #Visualization #Color
#color #visualization #viridis #cmocean #colorcet #ColorBrewer #colorschemes #colormaps #dataviz #OpenSource #labplot
"The idea of ‘colour universals’ – conceived of as empirical universals of language and thought – is self-contradictory. There can be no universals in how people habitually think and talk about colour, given that in many languages people do not talk about colour at all."
#Color #ColorMaps #Visualization #Plotting #DataViz #Wierzbicka
#plotting #visualization #colormaps #wierzbicka #dataviz #color
Do you use #ncview to quickly browse your #NetCDF files?
You are not the only one !
Of course, a problem with #ncview is that it comes with bad #colormaps, including many 🌈 rainbows 😭 .
But we have a solution for you !
#ncmaps #colormaps #netcdf #ncview