These are the Bay Area cities where homes sell the fastest
#HeadlineFixed: #Segregation sells reflecting movement of #wealth accumulated under #ColorOfLaw
#headlinefixed #segregation #wealth #coloroflaw #whitesprawl #supremacistzoning #statesanctionedviolence
Bucolic #segregated #suburban lifestyles ravaged by a Black River stirred up by outside agitators like #ClimateChange.
#segregated #suburban #climatechange #coloroflaw
Still reading "The Color of Law #ColorOfLaw and the reason #CopCity is where it is - surrounded by poor #Black neighborhoods - is to intimidate: there'll be a shooting range, buildings to practice raids, a driving course for 'chases', and the fire department's even got a hand in.
Imagine living w/ the constant sound of #gunfire/car chases/sirens.
Terrorism charges are also to intimidate: 23 charged with terrorism in #Atlanta ‘Cop City’ protest
#coloroflaw #copcity #black #gunfire #atlanta
San Diego federal judge had defendant’s 13-year-old daughter handcuffed. Now he’s under review.
Multiple studies have shown that “scared straight” tactics — which typically involve youths being exposed to harsh conditions in adult prisons, usually with parental permission — are ineffective and can also increase criminality and delinquency.
#Law #LawFedi #California #FederalLaw #42US1983 #CivilRights #ColorOfLaw #Trauma #ConLaw #JudicialMisconduct #JuvenileJustice
#juvenilejustice #judicialmisconduct #conlaw #trauma #coloroflaw #civilrights #42us1983 #federallaw #California #lawfedi #law
Part 6: #Equity?
When you work maintaining #foreclosures for #FannieMae, #FHA, #BoA, #WellsFargo, etc etc, you spend most of your time where the foreclosures are, which is America's poorest communities. & you see stuff. & you do your research, read books like #RaceForProfit, #ColorOfLaw, #Evicted, #Homewreckers. You learn about #redlining & how the predation has never really stopped, still goes on today.
You ask yourself why are we working for these equity-stripping assholes?
#introduction #equity #foreclosures #fanniemae #fha #boa #wellsfargo #raceforprofit #coloroflaw #evicted #homewreckers #redlining