#Graffiti #GraffitiArt #Art #Nova107 #Vector #VectorArt #Digital #DigitalArt #DigitalGraffiti #Pantone #PantoneColorOfTheYear #ColorOfTheYear #PantoneColorOfTheYear2021 #UltimateGray #PantoneUltimateGray #Illuminating #PantoneIlluminating #2021 #PantoneColorOfTheYear2022 #ColorOfTheYear #ColorOfTheYear2022 #VeryPeri #PantoneVeryPeri #Pantone173938 #PantoneColorOfTheYear2023 #ColorOfTheYear #ColorOfTheYear2023 #VivaMagenta #PantoneVivaMagenta #Pantone181750
#graffiti #graffitiart #art #nova107 #vector #vectorart #digital #digitalart #digitalgraffiti #pantone #pantonecoloroftheyear #coloroftheyear #pantonecoloroftheyear2021 #ultimategray #pantoneultimategray #illuminating #pantoneilluminating #pantonecoloroftheyear2022 #coloroftheyear2022 #veryperi #pantoneveryperi #pantone173938 #pantonecoloroftheyear2023 #coloroftheyear2023 #vivamagenta #pantonevivamagenta #pantone181750
The Pantone Color of the Year 2023 was recently released and this year’s color is… drumroll… Viva la Magenta! This is a color that empowers us to be bold and fearless. It is a red with a smooth touch that leaves a deep impression, which makes it perfect for branding and print design.
#pantone #coloroftheyear #coloroftheyear2023
These left the studio yesterday. The main stones are called seam agate. I was drawn to them because they remind me of watercolors. I used #vivamagenta #coloroftheYear2023 pearls and light blue chalcedony to go with them. #jewelrydesign #earrings #jewelry #newyork
#vivamagenta #coloroftheyear2023 #jewelrydesign #earrings #jewelry #newyork
El #coloroftheyear2023 es un magenta con toque morado PRECIOSO 😍
An unconventional shade for an unconventional time:
a new vision. Color of the Year 2023: PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta
Vibrating with vim and vigor, a shade rooted in nature descending from the red family demonstrating a new signal of strength.
I like the new #Pantone 🎨 Color of the Year #2023 ― 'Viva Magenta' 18-1750.
#pantone #coloroftheyear2023 #vivamagenta #magentaverse
E' uscito il #Pantone #coloroftheyear2023: diamo il benvenuto a Viva Magenta 18-1750 ed al suo #Magentaverse!
Un gran bel colore che rappresenta un concetto che va decisamente oltre la sua scelta.
Non è un caso, infatti, che nella sua presentazioni si usi il richiamo al "qualcosa-verse" (concetto sdoganato, decisamente #mainstream) e che almeno 2 delle immagini principali in uso siano palese espressione di una #intelligenzaartificiale (vedi immagini allegate).
#pantone #coloroftheyear2023 #magentaverse #mainstream #intelligenzaartificiale