This one happened in a German Town on december 31.
Since i have bought the Owl-hut some month ago on the weihnachtsmarkt and wear it, i experience a lot of colorphobic reactions. So back to the story. i accompanied my 80+ old father back from shopping. I was wearing my Owl headgear. Behind us at the traffic light there was a group of 4 Teenagers. They were laughing noticeably loud. So i turned and gave them an fierce look. They were first taken aback, but as i was turning aroud following my father pushing his rollator, i heard one of them saying ,Humptey Dumpty‘. I had no idea what that was supposed to mean (explanation follows), but i was sure it was about me. They went their way and we went ours. (different directions).
Later i have looked ,Humptey Dumptey‘ up in the net. Living in non english speaking countrys, one does not come across english children rimes or songs. So first thing what i saw was the depiction of humptey dumptey as an egg with red spots. and the time every english speaking child probably knows:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Now it was clear the the teenagers meant me with the humptey dumptey exclamation.
The thing that i find intriguing is: Where did some rather uneducated teenagers in germany heard of humptey dumptey from? Where from, if not from some social media / communicationgroup ?
How far do such colorphobic things go?
coming back to „humptey dumptey“. My next interesse was to know where from this rather strang rime origins. I mean: „All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again“, it’s deffinitly some non person thing going on here- this is about the kings army, obviously. Further reasearch in the same wikipedia article resulted in:
Humptey Dumptey was probably a big cannon placed on a wall that got destroyed, and the cannon fell and broke.
This beeing just an example of how storrys change theyr very meaning, as long as it sounds good for further telling!!!!
#change_all_traditions here #colorphobia
we are serious about coloring this worlds , so colorphobia and animalphobia have no place in this world!
#change_all_traditions #colorphobia