Long-Distance Gaming Over Packet Radio https://hackaday.com/2023/03/27/long-distance-gaming-over-packet-radio/ #colossalcaveadventure #amaterradio #RadioHacks #gaming #packet #pdp-11 #radio #data #ham
#colossalcaveadventure #amaterradio #RadioHacks #gaming #packet #pdp #radio #data #ham
Long-Distance Gaming Over Packet Radio - The amateur radio community often gets stereotyped as a hobby with a minimum age r... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/27/long-distance-gaming-over-packet-radio/ #colossalcaveadventure #amaterradio #radiohacks #gaming #packet #pdp-11 #radio #data #ham
#ham #data #radio #pdp #packet #gaming #radiohacks #amaterradio #colossalcaveadventure
#ThrowbackThursday, I had fun putting together the #PiDP11 kit and playing some #ColossalCaveAdventure. I would like to hook up my #VT510. Not period correct, it's what I have on hand. For now it sits behind my desk with its beautiful #BlinkenLights.
#throwbackthursday #pidp11 #colossalcaveadventure #vt510 #blinkenlights
Retrieved this bad boy from a cupboard at home, for the School of Computing at Newcastle Uni's historical collection.
So I was the cool kid who bought an Oric-1 when everyone else was buying the ZX speccie. That went well...
Also pictured: Colossal cave adventure game on cassette. Now *that* was a game..
#nostalgia #HistoricComputing #oric #1980s #ColossalCaveAdventure #AdventureGame
#adventuregame #colossalcaveadventure #1980s #oric #historiccomputing #nostalgia
Colossal Cave Adventure – The Most Famous Classic Text-based Adventure Game #ColossalCaveAdventure #Advent #Fortran #Games #Opensource #Linux #CLI
#CLI #Linux #OpenSource #games #FORTRAN #Advent #colossalcaveadventure