🪷 Gay actor #RoryCalhoun (8 Aug 1922 - 28 April 1999) climbs out of the ear of #Apollo/#Helios to do battle against evildoers in #SergioLeone's 1961 homoerotic swords and sandals epic #ColossusOfRhodes. He brings down the tyrants & the #Colossus!See: https://youtu.be/kbWOWLs1LXc 🪷
#rorycalhoun #apollo #SergioLeone #colossusofrhodes #colossus
So, ich war also mal wieder (gefühlt 20 Jahre her...) im #Heidepark #soltau
Wetter genau passend für erfreulich kurze Warteschlangen
#Bobbahn war so wie ich es im Erinnerung hatte, sehr spaßig :-)
#bigloop war leider geschlossen wegen Reparatur
#FlugderDämonen und #DesertRace waren neu für mich und wirklich aufregend gut
#colossus hab ich mich nicht getraut, genausowenig die #Krake 😅
Die mehr als ein Dutzend weiteren Fahrgeschäfte waren auch alle spaßig, egal ob alt oder neu. 💜
#Krake #colossus #desertrace #flugderdamonen #bigloop #Bobbahn #soltau #heidepark
An aerial shot of the base of the Colossus in 1918
Roma Ieri Oggi has posted a set of aerial photographs of Rome, made in 1918. They are here. And they are quite marvellous, and high resolution.
Of special interest to us is one that looks at the Colosseum area:
Note the area where today runs the Via del foro imperiali - mainly farmland on the Velian hill....
#AlexBall demonstrating the phenomenal #Colossus #Modular #Synthesizer from #AnalogueSolutions
#synth #modularsynth #modularsynthesizer #synthesis #analoguesolutions #synthesizer #modular #colossus #alexball
I find the disturbing part to be when #Colossus starts dictating how Dr. Forbin and his partner live, work, sleep, what they do, all under the eyes of the cameras.
I think I saw Demon Seed many years ago, but I don't remember anything about it. I'll need to rewatch it. Thanks for mentioning it!
Random Old Comic: Well-Oiled Machine https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/06/11/well-oiled-machine/ #Clench #Colossus #Flamewar #Kremzeek #SentinelPrime #Spinister #Transformers https://www.facebook.com/815217756713386/posts/835234634711698?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#clench #colossus #flamewar #kremzeek #sentinelprime #Spinister #transformers
🪷 On 6 June 68 AD the #Colossus of #Nero statue was dedicated. This 30-m gilded statue was later renamed for #SolInvictus after Nero's downfall. Did you know the #Colosseum got its name from this colossal statue? Officially, it is the Flavian Amphitheater. 🪷
#colossus #nero #solinvictus #colosseum
🪷 On 6 June 68 AD the #Colossus of #Nero statue was dedicated. This 30-m gilded statue was later renamed for #SolInvictus after Nero's downfall. Did you know the #Colosseum got its name from this colossal statue? Officially, it is the Flavian Amphitheater. 🪷
#colossus #nero #solinvictus #colosseum
🪷 On 6 June 68 AD the #Colossus of #Nero statue was dedicated. This 30-m gilded statue was later renamed for #SolInvictus after Nero's downfall. Did you know the #Colosseum got its name from this colossal statue? Officially, it is the Flavian Amphitheater. 🪷
#colossus #nero #solinvictus #colosseum
At the time I'm guessing this movie would have been compared to the Henry Fonda film "Failsafe." #Colossus
Wow look at the size of that ream of paper coming out of the printer! Woo woo! #Colossus
🪷 Gay actor #RoryCalhoun (9 August 1922 - 28 April 1999) climbs out of the ear of #Apollo/#Helios to do battle against evildoers in #SergioLeone's 1961 homoerotic swords and sandals epic #ColossusOfRhodes. He brings down the tyrants & the #Colossus! See: https://youtu.be/kbWOWLs1LXc 🪷
#rorycalhoun #apollo #SergioLeone #colossusofrhodes #colossus
Today, April 26, 1986, a nuclear accident at the No. 4 reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant caused a spike in premature mutant expressions, including that of Piotr Rasputin, later known as Colossus (X-Men: Days of Future Past, 25 Moments, 2014)
#Film #Movies #Cinemastodon #XMen #Marvel #XMenDaysOfFuturePast #Chernobyl #Colossus
#film #movies #cinemastodon #xmen #marvel #xmendaysoffuturepast #chernobyl #colossus
Random Old Comic: Make Chief Strategists Great Again! https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/08/21/make-chief-strategists-great-again/ #xp #blurr #clench #colossus #rook #skyshadow #transformers
#xp #blurr #clench #colossus #rook #skyshadow #transformers
"The Computers of Bletchley Park" – Last summer I took a trip with some friends to Bletchley Park, and they had a marvellous computer collection at the National Museum of Computing which kept me amused for… well, pretty much the whole day!
#RetroGaming #RetroComputing #Commodore #Amstrad #Sinclair #Acorn #BBC #Psion #Apple #Atari #Colossus
#retrogaming #retrocomputing #commodore #amstrad #sinclair #acorn #bbc #psion #apple #atari #colossus
I'm at the pointy end of this draft and somehow this image seems to capture the feeling of it.
Image: 'El Coloso' (The Colossus), attributed to Francisco de Goya y Lucientes (after 1808)
Taken from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Giant_by_Goya.jpg
#AmWriting #editing #AmEditing #giant #Goliath #coloso #colossus #art #artwork #mythology #MuseumArchive
#amwriting #editing #amediting #giant #goliath #coloso #colossus #art #artwork #mythology #museumarchive
It is now 21 years since the passing of the #National #Heritage #Act 2002 which saw responsibility for #maritime #archaeology pass into the hands of #English %Heritage. Since 2002 there have been a number of major maritime #excavations in the #UK and the aim of the #conference is review each of these and learn the lessons learnt in their execution.
#Marine #Shipwreck #Bournemouth #Dorset #BournemouthUniversity #MaryRose #Colossus #Rooswijk #TheLondon #Archaeology
#national #heritage #act #maritime #archaeology #english #excavations #uk #conference #marine #shipwreck #Bournemouth #Dorset #bournemouthuniversity #MaryRose #colossus #rooswijk #thelondon
🪷 Gay actor #RoryCalhoun (9 Aug 1922 - 28 April 1999) climbs out of the ear of #Apollo/#Helios to do battle against evildoers in #SergioLeone's 1961 homoerotic swords and sandals epic #ColossusOfRhodes. He brings down the tyrants & the #Colossus!See: https://youtu.be/kbWOWLs1LXc 🪷
#rorycalhoun #apollo #SergioLeone #colossusofrhodes #colossus