Very happy to see this issue closed via commit and very much looking forward to seeing the new fully-light light mode in GNOME :)
#gnome #design #colourSchemes #accessibility #usability
Excellent work on a holistic light mode for GNOME (currently GNOME has a dark mode and a “mixed mode” and the “mixed mode” is used when the light colour scheme is active). If that sounds inconsistent, that’s because it is.
The design work presented here would fix that and provide a consistent light mode:
CC @gnome #gnome #design #colourSchemes #lightMode #darkMode
#gnome #design #colourSchemes #lightmode #darkmode
Updated: Lipstick on a Pig – Helix Editor now automatically reloads its configuration when the system colour scheme changes.
To update:
> lipstick update
#colourSchemes #HelixEditor #gnome #lipstickOnAPig
@ru Ah, thanks :) It’s the Pencil theme on Black Box terminal.
Black Box has built-in support for GNOME’s dark and light (oops, I mean “mixed” mode – mode and it supports themes for each.
#colourSchemes #gnome #terminal #blackbox
So, for the 34% of you who answered yes, if you’re on GNOME and you want your CLI apps to automatically switch to the correct theme when your system/terminal does, check out Lipstick on a Pig:
I’ve added support for three apps I use regularly (Helix Editor, delta, and bat) and you can help make it better by adding plugins for apps that you use.
#lipstickOnAPig #CLI #terminal #dev #GNOME #colourSchemes #constrast #lighting #usability #legibility #accessibility
#accessibility #legibility #usability #lighting #constrast #colourSchemes #gnome #dev #terminal #cli #lipstickOnAPig
I’ve initially added support to Lipstick on a Pig for automatically switching bat, delta and helix editor from light to dark mode when GNOME’s colour scheme changes.
If there’s an app you want to see supported and know a little bash, you can contribute a plug-in.
#gnome #cli #commandLine #colourSchemes #lightMode #darkMode
#darkmode #lightmode #colourSchemes #commandline #cli #gnome