seeking recommendations for a portable, dry-lab friendly UV-VIS spectrophotometer for measuring animal color reflectance.
OceanInsight won't answer my e-mails or pick up the phone!
If you have one to sell, drop me a DM
Interested in #SensoryEcology, #colsci, and #moving #prey? We're recruiting a PhD student or postdoc in the #Ecology and #Evolution of #Interactions lab! More details and application instructions to come soon.
#sensoryecology #colsci #moving #Prey #ecology #Evolution #interactions
Interested in #SensoryEcology, #colsci, and #moving #prey? We're recruiting a PhD student or postdoc in the #Ecology and #Evolution of #Interactions lab! More details and application instructions to come soon.
#sensoryecology #colsci #moving #Prey #ecology #Evolution #interactions
RT @HannahMRowland
In @Ecol_Evol Cecilia Heyworth @MPI_CE & @prayanlikesbugs found that antioxidant availability is linked to warning signals & toxin sequestration in large milkweed bugs. In collaboration: Georg Petschenka, Jon Blount @UniExeCEC img: Veit Grabe #colsci
RT @Hanliconius
Pleased to share the latest preprint from the Martin lab @evolvwing. We investigated continuous colour variation in Colias butterflies, and found that few large effect loci explain a large portion of the variation #colsci 1/
Out now: Using colour pattern edge contrast statistics to predict detection speed and success in triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus).
#behaviour #colsci #visualecology #visualmodelling #PredatorPreyDynamics
#behaviour #colsci #visualecology #visualmodelling #predatorpreydynamics
exactly the type of open science we need to better digitize life: software AND hardware
Build your own high-sensitivity spectroradiometer for ~£250. Measures down to 0.001cd.m-2. See my pre-print here: and source here:
p.s. Twitter is evil - come join me on mastodon @jolyon
Build your own high-sensitivity spectroradiometer for ~£250! See my pre-print here: and source here:
🌈Estoy extrañando la etiqueta #colsci así que es momento de crear un grupo para compartir información sobre #ColorScience #ColourScience #CienciaDelColor
#cienciadelcolor #colourscience #colorscience #colsci
🌈Estoy extrañando la etiqueta #colsci así que es momento de crear un grupo para compartir información sobre #ColorScience #ColourScience #CienciaDelColor @colsci
#cienciadelcolor #colourscience #colorscience #colsci
Hoy nos toca presentar el trabajo
📌Ciencia Abierta, Biología del Color y Wikidata
#ProductosBIOinformación #Wikidata
@Biocolores #Biocolores #CienciaAbierta #ColSci
#colsci #cienciaabierta #biocolores #wikidata #productosbioinformacion
🦋 #citizenscience 🦋
As part of a research project led by Maël Doré (@Eonymus) on mimicry in tropical butterflies, we have developed a survey to quantify our perception of butterfly color patterns. ⌛ < 10 min
Your participation would be very helpful.The more data we have, the better. Thank you so much!
⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️
Please boost! And follow Maël for great research on #macroevolution and #mimicry. :mastodon:
#citizenscience #macroevolution #Mimicry #colsci #survey #research #Perception #cognition
Soy bióloga trabajo en la Facultad de Ciencias de la #UNAM, investigo sobre los datos, la información y literatura Biológica para estudiar la Biología del Color (Biocolores #ColSci). Uso herramientas digitales para curar, procesar información y responder preguntas. Promuevo la #CienciaAbierta.
Hi! Time to reintroduce myself. I’m an evolutionary #biologist interested in #speciation and #hybridization, especially when it involves color traits! My work has focused on lizards and monkeyflowers. Besides research, I like running, hiking, camping, kayaking, climbing, and dabbling in art and crafts. In academia, I really value kindness and inclusivity. Looking forward to connecting with everyone on here!
#biologist #Speciation #Hybridization #colsci #mimulus #HERper
Bonjour à toutes et tous ! Je profite d'un changement d'instance mieux centrée sur mes intérêts ( -> pour me présenter.
Je suis maitre de conférences en #biologie de la couleur chez les #insectes (#colsci) et j'interviens notamment en formation #SVT en #inspé (#didactique #épistémologie).
Ma ligne édito sur Twitter est tournée #VeilleESR et #DataESR (#CPESR). A voir ce que ça donne ici, mais ce sera de l'#ESR scientifique et/ou politique :)
#introduction #biologie #insectes #colsci #svt #inspé #didactique #épistémologie #VeilleESR #DataESR #CPESR #esr