@br00t4c Lock up #coltonmoore ’s rifle until he grows up into a responsible adult.
And I'm sure you'll never guess where #ColtonMoore is from! (He's the state Senator threatening to start a #CivilWar if District Attorneys continue to hold #DonaldTheDeplorable accountable for his crimes ⬇️.)
Yup. He's from #NorthwestGeorgia , too! Just like the #UltraMAGA members of Congress #BarryLoudermilk and #MarjorieTaylorGreene. Time to #SaveAmerica and ask the question again; Where are they being radicalized?
#coltonmoore #civilwar #donaldthedeplorable #northwestgeorgia #ultramaga #barryloudermilk #marjorietaylorgreene #saveamerica
Georgia Republican Senator #ColtonMoore wants to #defund the DA's #office and open an #investigation against #FaniWillis because #Republicans can't handle the #truth. 😡
#Georgia #senator wants #Governor #Kemp to call session to #investigate #FultonCounty #DistrictAttorney
#iamdb #Jan6 #Trump #USpol #News #districtattorney #fultoncounty #investigate #kemp #governor #senator #Georgia #truth #republicans #FaniWillis #Investigation #office #DEFUND #coltonmoore
Georgia state senator #ColtonMoore moves to impeach Trump prosecutor #FaniWillis
It's bullshit. But it's dangerous bullshit
#coltonmoore #FaniWillis #FultonCounty #USAShitShow