Sticking with the #MilesDavis theme, I’m #NowPlaying #Milestones again for the multiple time this week.
I’m #NowListening to the #MobileFidelity pressing to confirm my recollection. It’s very close between this & the #KevinGray cut (#ColumbiaLegacy). The #MoFi sounds warmer which suits, perhaps, the surging horns of, say, Sid’s Ahead. The Legacy, however, wins out in nimbleness & pace as, for example, on Straight, No Chaser.
Both sound very, very good.
#milesdavis #nowplaying #milestones #nowlistening #mobilefidelity #kevingray #columbialegacy #mofi #vinyl #vinylrecords #jazz #music
Today I’m #writing & #amlistening to #jazz, starting with #Milestones. This is the #KevinGray cut from #ColumbiaLegacy, picked up this year alongside the #MoFi pressing.
Both sound amazing, but the Gray cut is, I think, more natural with a slightly tighter low end & consequently feels more nimble.
This #album, alongside #InASilentWay, #SketchesOfSpain, #SomethingElse, &, of course, #KindofBlue are my go to #MilesDavis (at the mo, anyway).
#Writing #amlistening #jazz #milestones #kevingray #columbialegacy #mofi #album #inasilentway #sketchesofspain #somethingelse #kindofblue #milesdavis #vinylrecords #nowlistening #nowplaying #vinyl
Sat sipping beer #listening to peak #MilesDavis, #InASilentWay.
This is another #MobileFidelity pressing & my copy is perfect. I’ve got a ‘70s & the recent #ColumbiaLegacy ed. &, imo, the #MoFi crushes the competition. This is rich & detailed without losing any of that mellow midnight vibe.
When it comes to #jazz, #hardbop is my thing. This ain’t that, but this is special with Miles & #JohnMcLaughlin on another level. Just love this album.
#listening #milesdavis #inasilentway #mobilefidelity #columbialegacy #mofi #jazz #hardbop #johnmclaughlin #amlistening #vinyl #vinylrecords #music