#JelaniCobb is the Dean of the School of #Journalism at #ColumbiaUniversity. In a commentary in #TheNewYorker about a #TrumpPardon , he points out that “#DonaldTrump was effectively preemptively pardoned before he was born!”
#EqualJustice is needed to #SaveAmerica because #WWG1WGA is #truth.
#jelanicobb #journalism #columbiauniversity #thenewyorker #trumppardon #donaldtrump #equaljustice #saveamerica #WWG1WGA #truth
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: New York Doctor Charged With Drugging, Assaulting, and Filming 6 Patients https://jezebel.com/new-york-doctor-charged-with-drugging-assaulting-and-1850717057 #Jezebel #usnationalpractitionerdatabank #newyorkpresbyterianhospital #healthmedicalpharma #columbiauniversity #cornelluniversity #zhialancheng #melindakatz #lawcrime
#jezebel #usnationalpractitionerdatabank #newyorkpresbyterianhospital #healthmedicalpharma #columbiauniversity #CornellUniversity #zhialancheng #melindakatz #lawcrime
#columbiaUniversity public safety is keeping everyone apprised of the postdoc #union, and I'm glad they agree we're peaceful :)
(I do think they're half an order of magnitude off on the count though!)
#HistorySociology #HistoryEconomics #ColumbiaUniversity Back when sociologists were members of the American Economic Association, Franklin H. Giddings was a bad-ass (equal emphasis on both syllables) professor of sociology at Columbia. Read what Alvin S. Johnson remembered about him. https://www.irwincollier.com/columbia-alvin-s-johnsons-impressions-of-franklin-h-giddings-1898-1902/
#historysociology #historyeconomics #columbiauniversity
#Texas #TikTok Ban Challenged for Threatening ‘Academic Freedom’
#ColumbiaUniversity’s Knight #FirstAmendment Institute, which works on #freespeech cases pro bono, wants Texas and other states to exempt university faculty from TikTok bans.
#freespeech #firstamendment #columbiauniversity #tiktok #texas
Free Speech Institute Challenges Texas TikTok Ban on Public University Employees https://politicaliq.com/2023/07/13/free-speech-institute-challenges-texas-tiktok-ban-on-public-university-employees/ #TikTok #FirstAmendment #Knight #ColumbiaUniversity #Texas #faculty #teaching #FBI #politicaliq #news #politics
#tiktok #FirstAmendment #knight #columbiauniversity #texas #faculty #teaching #fbi #politicaliq #News #politics
So excited to share MMoCHi: a tool I've built for multi-modal cell type classification for CITE-seq data
The pre-print can be found here:
And we've put it out on #GitHub so that you can try it out on your own data:
#scRNAseq #scRNA #CITEseq #sequencing #analysis #ColumbiaUniversity #immunology
#github #scrnaseq #scRNA #citeseq #sequencing #analysis #columbiauniversity #immunology
The Tyee: ‘The Imposters’ and Lies We Tell Ourselves https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2023/07/05/Imposters-And-Lies-We-Tell/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #CanadianAuthorsAwardforFiction #ScotiabankGillerPrize #TheImperfectionists #UniversityofToronto #ColumbiaUniversity #WilliamDeresiewicz #MalalaYousafzai #CzeslawMilosz #TheImposters #TomRachman
#BCNews #TheTyee #canadianauthorsawardforfiction #scotiabankgillerprize #theimperfectionists #universityoftoronto #columbiauniversity #williamderesiewicz #malalayousafzai #czeslawmilosz #theimposters #tomrachman
I passed a group (a gaggle?) of Columbia grads in their robes, and I shouted: “Yassss! Class of 89 right here.”
Their collective expression could best be captured by the following: “Shit, are we going to be like that when we’re his age?”
#columbia #columbiauniversity #graduation #graduate #academia #academicmastodon 🎓
#academicmastodon #academia #graduate #graduation #columbiauniversity #columbia
😠 Woman sneaks into #ColumbiaUniversity’s surf-and-turf event, reflects on institution’s ‘#hypocrisy’ and treatment of #lowincome students: ‘i wish cuny/suny had columbia money’
#columbiauniversity #hypocrisy #lowincome
#MorningsideHeights #ColumbiaUniversity #StreetPhotography #blackANDwhite #Monochrome #Photography #Manhattan #Entrance #Sidewalk #Campus #Walking #Urban #Trees #Gate #NYC
#morningsideheights #columbiauniversity #streetphotography #BlackAndWhite #monochrome #photography #manhattan #Entrance #sidewalk #campus #walking #urban #trees #Gate #nyc
The arches of #Harlem.
#ColumbiaUniversity #StreetPhotography #blackANDwhite #Manhattanville #Monochrome #Photography #Architecture #Manhattan #Viaduct #Bridge #Stairs #Urban #NYC
#harlem #columbiauniversity #streetphotography #BlackAndWhite #manhattanville #monochrome #photography #architecture #manhattan #viaduct #bridge #stairs #urban #nyc
“The one constant in our life is change.” #Quote by an American social psychologist and writer, Dan Gilbert.
#MorningsideHeights #ColumbiaUniversity #StreetPhotography #Manhattanville #Photography #Architecture #Manhattan #Fotografía #Cityscape #Subway #Viaduct #Harlem #Bridge #Foggy #Metro #Urban #NYC
#quote #morningsideheights #columbiauniversity #streetphotography #manhattanville #photography #architecture #manhattan #fotografia #cityscape #subway #viaduct #harlem #bridge #foggy #metro #urban #nyc
"Change is the process by which the future invades our lives." #Quote by an American writer, futurist, and businessman known for his works discussing modern technologies, including the digital revolution and the communication revolution, with emphasis on their effects on cultures worldwide, Alvin Toffler.
#ColumbiaUniversity #StreetPhotography #blackANDwhite #Manhattanville #Monochrome #Photography #Architecture #Panoramic #Manhattan #Commuter #Subway #Viaduct #Harlem #Bridge #Urban #NYC
#quote #columbiauniversity #streetphotography #BlackAndWhite #manhattanville #monochrome #photography #architecture #panoramic #manhattan #commuter #subway #viaduct #harlem #bridge #urban #nyc
Tech (Global News): Bake to the future: Researchers 3D print a cheesecake, bake it with lasers https://globalnews.ca/news/9570953/3d-print-cheesecake-laser-columbia-study/ #globalnews #TechNews #Technology #ColumbiaCreativeMachinesLab #3Dprintedcheesecake #ColumbiaUniversity #3Dprintcheesecake #3Dprinting #3DPrinter #Trending #3DPrint #Tech
#globalnews #technews #technology #columbiacreativemachineslab #3dprintedcheesecake #columbiauniversity #3dprintcheesecake #3DPrinting #3dprinter #trending #3dprint #Tech
I sense devastating #Kompromat on #ColumbiaUniversity ’Professor’ #JeffreySachs ‘s curriculum vitae! 😳
Straight from the #KremlinPlaybook 👉 https://www.jeffsachs.org/newspaper-articles/ye43cpa63fkaek6pddan9ggzrnefe4
#kompromat #columbiauniversity #jeffreysachs #kremlinplaybook
#HappyBirthday DJ Deacon Strange, who spins on WKCR-NY's "Across 110th Street" (as does the righteous Ayanna Heaven periodically at #ColumbiaUniversity's #musicdiscovery freeformer), Saturdays 12pm Eastern. His birthday show last weekend was BOSS. Young Deacon has a birthday and gives US the gift!
Enjoy via Mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/DeaconStrange/across-110th-street-february-18th-2023-deacons-birthday-show/
#happybirthday #columbiauniversity #musicdiscovery #music #oldschool #funk #soul #disco #1970s #wkcr
Cities need to bring back massive outdoor steps.
#Architecture #ColumbiaUniversity #McKimMeadAndWhite #LowMemorialLibrary #NYC
#nyc #lowmemoriallibrary #mckimmeadandwhite #columbiauniversity #architecture
Columbia University posted a photo of the 3 people who robbed a 17 year old kid of his iPhone, jacket, metrocard and school ID last Saturday, Feb 4 at 8pm, at gunpoint. This was on 117 St, just a block from where Tessa Majors was killed and there's a security guard booth right on 116 St.
#Crime #ColumbiaUniversity #TessaMajors #MorningsideHeights #NYC #Manhattan #GunViolence
#gunviolence #manhattan #nyc #morningsideheights #TessaMajors #columbiauniversity #crime
The Human Rights Advocates Program (HRAP) of Columbia University (USA) is now open for applications to the Fall 2023 program:
#advocacy #columbiauniversity #nyc #ngo #humanrights