Are Miami the best team in MLS right now? #2026FIFAWorldCup #2026WorldCup #2030FIFAWorldCup #2030WorldCup #canada #canmnt #Charlotte #ColumbusCrew #CoreyBaird #FIFA2026 #FIFA2030 #FIFAWorldCup #FifaWorldCup2026 #FIFAWorldCup2030 #football #Goal #goals #HIGHLIGHTS #InterMiami #JohnHerdman #JordiAlba #lafc #LionelMessi #MajorLeagueSoccer #MLS #nashville #RichieLaryea #SergioBusquets #Soccer #ThiagoAlmada #Toronto #WorldCup #WorldCup2026 #WorldCup2030
#2026fifaworldcup #2026worldcup #2030fifaworldcup #2030worldcup #canada #canmnt #charlotte #columbuscrew #coreybaird #fifa2026 #fifa2030 #fifaworldcup #fifaworldcup2026 #fifaworldcup2030 #football #goal #goals #highlights #intermiami #johnherdman #jordialba #lafc #lionelmessi #majorleaguesoccer #mls #nashville #richielaryea #sergiobusquets #soccer #thiagoalmada #toronto #worldcup #worldcup2026 #worldcup2030
MLS:n Liigacup jatkui eilen 32-joukkueen karsinnassa, jossa Minnesotan ottelun tulokseksi tuli 3-3 (1-1). Jatkoonpääsy ratkaistiin rankkarikisassa, jonka Minnesota voiti 3-4. Teemu Pukki pelasi 71 minuuttia ja syötti Minnesotan ekan maalin. Tilannetta edelsi korkea kaarisyöttö takaa. Sen Teemu otti haltuun hallitusti #MLS #TeemuPukki #minnesotaunited #ColumbusCrew
columbus crew – minnesota united ⚽
#columbuscrew #minnesotaunited #teemupukki #mls
CITY SC drops League Cup opener 2-1
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The four-hour-long weather delay at Columbus' Field certai
#MLSNews #SoccerFutbolNews #Sports #BradleyCarnell #ClioPompeu #ChucoHernndez #ClubAmrica #ColumbusCrew #IndianaVassilev #JacenRussellRowe #LeaguesCup #LIGAMX #LucasZelarayn #MLSNews #MohamedFarsi #NicholasGioacchini #SamuelAdeniran #SoccerNews #SportsNews #StLouisCITYSC #YevhenCheberko
#mlsnews #soccerfutbolnews #sports #bradleycarnell #cliopompeu #chucohernndez #clubamrica #columbuscrew #indianavassilev #jacenrussellrowe #leaguescup #ligamx #lucaszelarayn #mohamedfarsi #nicholasgioacchini #samueladeniran #soccernews #sportsnews #stlouiscitysc #yevhencheberko
Great servant for the club, but Darlington Nagbe should have retired. #ColumbusCrew
Like the figurative child I am, I am busting out laughing everytime the broadcast catches the #Timbers keeper dropping an F bomb. #ColumbusCrew
#ColumbusCrew getting outworked by thr Timbers. Schulte has been terrible. Not a good showing for Crew. #MLS
Nice finish from Christian Ramirez for #ColumbusCrew , very similar to one that Mender G literally whiffed on for #MNUFC in Montreal last week...
#MLS #MastodonFC
#columbuscrew #mnufc #mls #mastodonfc
Excellent bounce back for #NashvilleSC. 3-1 to win the right to wear gold or black over #Columbuscrew !
#nashvillesc #columbuscrew #mls #soccer #mastodonfc
Here we go #crew96! One hell of a goal by Aiden Morris with an amazing pass from Zelrayan #columbuscrew #mls
Watched the #fccincinnati #columbuscrew replay today. So nice having #mls back in my life, even if Apple TV’s app is a bloody shambles. But hey, the #mls package was free. Gift horse and all that.
#mls #columbuscrew #fccincinnati
Boy, that 2-0 score should be bigger considering how much #crew96 has outplayed DC United in the first half.
I’ve not seen too many handball calls that were more egregious than the ones in that match. #ColumbusCrew #MLS #MLS360 #AppleTV
#columbuscrew #mls #mls360 #appletv