Oh! Right! I need to request the #ColumbusDPS #25DaysOfSafeDriving history and correspondence, because what _did_ happen to that campaign?
Now listening to #Columbus Councilmember Lourdes Barroso de Padilla talk with the @VisionZeroCbus@twitter.com lead right now at the Columbus 25mph speed limit hearing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCudM9avjkI #Ohio
#columbusdps #25daysofsafedriving #columbus #Ohio
This is a 311 #fail:
Me: Drivers are making illegal lefts because they can't see the "No Left Turns" sign, since it's behind an "Avoid the island" sign.
#ColumbusDPS: We've removed the "No Left Turns" sign.
#Fail #columbusdps #columbus #Ohio #intersections #trafficdesign
@geewhiz Summit is one-way southbound. The box is in an OK spot, nicely blocking all cars save right-on-red ones. #ColumbusDPS could bump out the curbs to narrow the intersection some, but there isn't any lane-crossing, unless I'm misinterpreting what you mean. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Summit+St+%26+E+Hudson+St,+Columbus,+OH+43202/@40.0150516,-83.0002155,108m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x88388ea9c30642f5:0x14c9d40d5f7aa084!8m2!3d40.0151142!4d-83.0000621?hl=en
A collection of upcoming #Columbus projects affecting the Summit and 4th #bikeways:
- Summit signals, Chitt to Hudson: https://www.columbus.gov/Templates/Detail.aspx?id=2147521993
- Summit signals, Warren to 7th: https://www.columbus.gov/Templates/Detail.aspx?id=2147521992
- Summit crosswalks, 3rd + 8th: https://www.columbus.gov/Templates/Detail.aspx?id=2147522920
- 4th signals and crosswalks: https://columbus.gov/Templates/Detail.aspx?id=2147527983
Timeline for design on these is spread across 2022-2025; I'd love to see #ColumbusDPS present their plans on all of these for public feedback — but I saw how that went with #Indianola. :/
#columbus #bikeways #columbusdps #indianola